I've lost control

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The first thing Voldemort felt was cold. Cold with a strange feeling. Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong. He wasn't in his comfortable bed with his boyfriend, no, he was outside. He looked around, trying to orientate himself, without success. Everything looked the same, there were trees everywhere. The air was foggy too, so that wasn't really helpful. But not knowing where he was, wasn't the biggest problem.

Something was missing.

Something terribly important.

And then Voldemort realized what it was. He froze.

Quirrell wasn't here.

And when Quirrell wasn't here, on the back of who's head was he? Voldemort became nervous. Nervous and scared. What should he do without Quirrell? He wasn't used to live without him anymore, especially not, without a body. And he also didn't want to. With Quirrell everything was better, life finally made sense and had a purpose.

But now he was gone.

Now Voldemort was alone.

Not alone to be exact, but on the back of the head of a person he didn't know, of a stranger. He always felt comfortable and secure on the back of Quirrell's head, but now this way of living got a pretty nasty taste.

He didn't feel comfortable and definitely not secure.

He felt helpless, he felt captured.

Whoever that person was, Voldemort had a really, really bad feeling. He lost control and that scared him. For the first time in years he really was scared.

Quirrell, I'm scared! Voldemort called his boyfriend in thoughts. Help me, I need you! Please hurry!

He knew this was completely silly and Quirrell probably couldn't hear him anyway but at least he tried.

Calm down. He said to himself. Everything will be okay. Quirrell's gonna come and save you. He's probably already on his way.

He could only hope that he was right.

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