Ones a mother, always a....

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The nice thing about Europe was that the countries there were small; you could drive through several big cities – even across several borders in one day. You could go from Germany, to France, to Italy, and to Austria all in one long car ride lasting no more than twenty-four hours.

In the US, however, it was a different story. Roads could go on forever and it might be ten hours or more between two major cities. Unfortunately, Gyre's stations were built sparingly across the continental US. On the upside though, the biggest cities boasted a population far exceeding a whole European country which meant there were several orphanages per state.

The trip to Philadelphia was long and boring, but finally they arrived and Walter itched to be let out of the newest in a long line of cramped vans, even if his freedom meant he had to travel through the sewers.

Removing a baby from the cradle stone had become its own little ritual. As it turned out, a newly liberated child was always hungry, so they made sure to have a fresh bottle ready for each one upon their exit from the cradle stone.

Walter could only keep thanking the stars that Barbara was there with him. He'd managed to feed some of the children himself, but he still wasn't entirely happy about it. Worst of all, the irritating, squirmy little things had started to grow on him. Barbara's open adoration for them and their small, giddy faces – It was kind of cute... a little bit.

Every time they took a child he reminded himself he could not get attached. This was already hard enough for Barbara. She always looked heart-broken when she had to give a baby up.

Walter watched Barbara as she held their most recently released baby, who had already been fed and burped. Barbara sat on a large, smooth boulder just outside the van and rocked the little boy gently. The light of the waning moon and sea of stars above glowed dimly around them.

Walter edged over beside her. "Barbara?"

"Just... give me one second more," Barbara pleaded as she laid a hand softly over the little one's chest. The baby grabbed her finger and Barbara sucked in a hard breath, meeting the child's inquisitive eyes.

"Barbara, you need to give him to me now," Walter instructed, holding out his arms to receive the infant.

Barbara stared, transfixed, at the baby.

"Barbara," Walter tried again.

"No," Barbara said firmly, jaw set.

"What?" Walter asked.

"Not this one," Barbara stated. "I know we need to find homes for the others... but not him."

Dumbfounded, Walter stared at Barbara, not quite comprehending what she just said.

She started to hum softly, once again rocking the baby in her arms.

"Oh, Barbara," Walter sighed. "You know how this goes. We have done it hundreds of times already. You need to give me that baby."

"No!" Barbara snapped. She held the baby closer and gave Walter a hard look, daring him to try to take the little one from her. "Not this one. You're not taking him," she insisted, abruptly standing up.

Walter gaped, then his travel-weary, trollish temper finally got the better of him."That's not how this works!" he growled as he made a grab for the child. Barbara twisted out of the way, holding tightly to the baby boy. "Barbara!" Walter seethed as he turned to her, his yellow eyes glowing a deep, sinister gold. His voice was even more gruff than usual and he stood, ready to make another move to take the baby away. "Give him to me! Now!"

"No!" Barbara countered, then spun around and took off.

"Barbara! Wait!" Walter shouted after her. With a groan he set out in pursuit. It was far too easy to catch her. She was blocked in on one side by a high wall that ran the length of the street. He jumped up onto it and used the momentum to leap in front of Barbara, landing right in her path and forcing her to skid to a halt. "Stop this!" he roared.

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