The call with happy

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When he answered the phone the first thing he said was "little girl you didn't call me last night". I said" I'm sorry I fell asleep before I could". He just said "it's ok, what's are you doing right now little girl". " I just got back from a doctor's appointment, and I met your mother while I was there" I said. He made a noise of surprise and said "really what did she say". She said "that you need a nice women like me" I said. "Well she's right, I do need a nice women like you but I prefer you". I just smiled and blushed and said "good because I prefer you too". Then he said "I've got break soon, do you want to go get lunch with me"? "Sure, where do you want to go"? I said. He said "how about the little Italian restaurant on main street". "Ok that sound great I'll meet you there". I said. "See you soon". He said and hung up. I got on the GPS app on my phone and looked up main street the GPS said it was two streets over. So I turned the truck around and drove 4 minutes to main street. When I got there it took me less than a minute to find the Italian restaurant. So I parked and got out of my truck. I decided to look around for a few minutes so I walked down the sidewalk to a little antique store. I looked through the window and saw a cute old bow and arrow set. I know I have enough money to get it so I did and brought it back to my truck and hid it under the back seat. Right when I shut the door I heard the rumble of Happy's motorcycle. He parked right beside my truck. Then he dismounted his bike and came over to me with that sexy smirk of his on his face. He greeted me with a smile and said "I'm glad you came". I said to him "of course i came, I wanted to see you again".  He smirked and said "are you ready to eat". I said "I'm starving". He smiled at that and said "I like a women that can eat". I just blushed and smiled at him. He held out his hand to me. I took his hand and he tugged me to the door of the restaurant.

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