Mcgonagall X Fem!Teacher!Reader

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A/n- This takes place during the marauders years at Hogwarts!!
Also guys sorry for not updating!! I have online classes and I am under a lot of stress! I have so many due assignments and I'll try to update this as much as possible!

Requested by: sigh100

Your POV
I was getting ready to get to Hogwarts. I am appointed as the new defence against the dark arts teacher. I am really excited to go back to Hogwarts after all these years. But really I just wanna see...her.. I don't know how I will explain to her where I have been these past years. (A/n: If you couldn't tell "her" refers to minerva!)


I just entered the great hall. Thank Merlin it's not time for the breakfast yet! As I was walking up to the teacher's table to greet professor Dumbledore, I saw...her. She looks a bit aged but still beautiful just like before. Our eyes meet for a second bit she doesn't react anything. Does she not recognise me? Or does she hate me now? Ugh I am overthinking again!

Minerva's POV 

Is that- no, no it can't be! She can't be her..but I miss her. Those eyes, they are exactly like her. She looks so beautiful just like...Y/n. No minerva stop thinking about her!! She left! This is not her! I look away.

Your POV

I go up and greet professor Dumbledore. He takes me to the table and starts introducing all the teachers.
"And this ,as you already know, is Professor Mcgonagall." Professor Dumbledore said.
"Thank you professor. And nice to meet you all. My name is Y/n L/n. Hopefully we all can get along." I said
Our eyes meet again and hers widen.

Minerva's POV

It IS her! No.. she left!! I can't let my gaurd down again! But she looks at me the same way as before..

Your POV

Students start filling in the great hall. I go to sit at the table and notice the only vacant is next to minerva. I look over to professor Dumbledore and he winked at me as if he meant for this to happen. I pass him a small smile and sit down. I look over at minerva and Merlin...she is so perfect.. even after all these years. Ugh! Stop daydreaming!  Professor Dumbledore starts his speech and then he introduces me. I stand up and wave at the students and then sit back down.


I have a free period and so does minerva I'll go and talk to her. I will go and explain why I left and maybe...get back together..
I go to her office and knock. After a few seconds she says
"Come in."
I open the door and go in. There were 4 boys in her office. "Oh if you are busy I'll come later." I say.

"Oh no, no need to leave professor Y/n. I am almost with these four." She said sternly.

"Oh. Alright" I reply

"As I was saying, any trouble from you four this year any at all and you will face consequences. Especially you two Mr. Potter and Mr. Black." She scolds the boys.

"But minnie-" the boy with long black hair spoke.

"What have I said about using that name Mr. Black."

"Not to use it."

"What did you just do?"

"Used it. But Minnie you love it really." He says.

"Mr. Black detention." She says sternly but I swear I can see a small smile forming on her lips.

"But professor he didn't do anything yet!" The boy with glasses spoke.

"You can join Mr. Black in detention Mr. Potter"

"Oh no problem Minnie! You love us!" He says.

"All four of you. Go back to your dormitory or your classes if you have any."

"See ya in transfiguration Minnie!" Black said while leaving.

"What was that all about?" I ask chuckling.

"Oh nothing. They are just mischief makers." She replies.

"But you love them. Don't you?" I ask.

"As much as I hate to admit it these boys are really important to me now." She says with a smile on her face.

"So, minerva I wanted to talk to you..."

"What is it about?" She asks.

"I want to explain to you why I left..and"

"Actually I do wanna know..why did you leave?" She asks with a pained expression.

"You know everything just got hard. After mother died and father left...I was kind of lost? I didn't know what to do and I made the stupidest decision and I left...without telling anyone.."

"But you could have told me at least.."

"I know I should've and I regret that decision so much"

"Yeah I understand.."

"Can things go back to the way they were before?.."

"I..I don't know"

"Give me some days time?"

"Okay.." she says with a smile.

The next few weeks, we catched up on our lives and I just fell for her all over again! So I tried and tried to take things back to where we left it.


"So.. minerva.." I say.

She hums in response.

"Will you be mine again?" I ask her with flowers in my hands.

"Omg! Yes I will be!" She answers and I couldn't be any happier!

The end

(Sorry this one is really short! I didn't know what to write for Minnie!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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