|30| Racing Heartbeats

532 27 53

⚠TW// violence, blood, slight gore

Vehicle exhaust and spray paint permeated the gray garage, the rattle of spray cans accompanied the mechanics working on their bikes and cars. Engines revved when tested, the keys turning in the ignition. Jeno crouch next to his boyfriend's bike, fingers nimbly checking over the parts. While he tinkered with the motorcycle he felt eyes following his every move with warmth of a low-burning fire. Peering over his shoulder he saw what he expected - Chenle was very shamelessly checking him out in his sleeveless black shirt.

Whistling at the younger, Jeno smirked when Chenle blushed as he purposely flexed his arms. "You don't need to be so bashful Lele." His sudden change in personality stunned the brunette into silence.

His lips pouted out in turn to the teasing, arms crossing over his chest. Eyes boring into Jeno's, Chenle glared at him, turning his head away in faux hurt. Sharp clanking quickly drew him from his pouting, unhappily shouting at the elder for tapping the tool against his baby.

"Don't be a prick, you're hurting my baby." The brunette crouched down fingers softly petting over the bike. Noticing a scuff mark he shoved Jeno over, uncaring of the latter throwing his hands out to grab onto him.

Chenle pulled an old slightly dirty bandana from his orange jumpsuits back pocket, rubbing the scuff mark away he finally smiled in satisfaction. He ignored the now brunette Jeno pressing into his side curiously peeking over his shoulder. The puppy-like male pushed a wet kiss to his cheek, batting his eyelashes when the Chinese male pushed his face away with two fingers.

"I need to make sure she's ready for racing, quit distracting me." Chenle's statement pulled a bewildered 'huh' from Jeno.

Images of Chenle laying in a coma after his last race months ago clawed from the recesses of Jeno's mind. Anxiety, nausea and dread swirled throughout his body, each emotion sending tremors through him. His heart beat sped up, eyes misting over.


A whispered single syllable word loaded with unrestrained and visible emotions. The barely audible word caused guilt to prickle the back of Chenle's consciousness.

"I'll be safe, I promise." Turning towards his boyfriend, he pulled him into his chest, arms holding onto Jeno as the elder shook in his arms.

Jeno clutched onto Chenle's sides, fingers digging into the rough fabric of his jumpsuit. Nose buried in the crook of the brunettes neck he inhaled his familiar tea tree mint blended with sage soap and faint undertones of vehicle grease scent. He sighed happily, fingers clenching and unclenching the trembling of his body slowly ebbing away.

After the sudden flash of memories both boys found comfort in one another. Chenle gently pushed Jeno away, quickly silencing his noise of distress with a feather-light kiss. "You can come with me when I race, become my new racing partner. I can recheck the bike I got you and eventually we can race together!"

"Mmmm, no. I will take kisses though." Humming in thought Jeno shook his head, he quickly leaned in capturing Chenle lips in a short and sweet kiss grinning when Chenle kissed back - he would never get used to this.

Hearing the garage door open, Chenle rose to his feet ignoring Jeno's whine of protest. "Taeyong! Can you come here and help solve our problem?" The youngest cheerfully waved their leader over, hopping between both of his feet in excitement.

Red hair and sharp features came into Jeno's line of sight, if one looked closer they'd be able to see a hint of a smile on his lips. "What can I help you boys with?"

"Jeno doesn't want me racing, because he's scared I'll get hurt again. I even told him he could come with me and race with me, but the butthead said no." The brunette pouted, his small hands gesturing towards his significant other in anger. Brows pulled together in frustration and lips puckered in his poorly-hidden pout.

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