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Three years later

Chenle quietly hummed to himself, feet swinging on at the edge of the rooftop. His mindless gazing at the setting sun accompanied the buzz of alcohol beneath his skin and the icy wind breezing past. Their new base was fairly big, the rooftop became his favorite spot soon after they moved to the current building two and a half years ago - it took forever to find a base big enough for twenty three men with vastly different positions.

He mused over the memories of excitement when they first moved in, all of the younger members including him and Jeno running off to call dibs on bedrooms. The still fairly new couple decided to room separately, even if they did end up sleeping in either room together, Tamo included.

The sound of the door to the rooftop creaking open caught his attention, without turning around he knew it was Jeno. His new pattern of walking became ingrained into his memory, a small quirk of Jeno that he loved even if the former hated it.

"You're gonna get sick, it's cold." Jeno murmured against his ear, body draping over his back, his body heat seeping into Chenle's wind chilled body. A matching warm blanket curled around his front, Jeno's arms holding the blanket securely around them. The now-blue haired male sniffed at Chenle's neck, his face warm against his skin. "You need a bath honey, you smell of car exhaust and grease."

Chenle turned to give him a shocked look, mouth hanging open at the blunt remark. "Don't be rude."

In the end he allowed Jeno to coax him back into the warmth of the heated building.


Tea tree mint and sage soaps wafted about the bathroom, bubbles clinging to the edges of the tub as Chenle leaned forward humming contently. Mind buzzing with the after-effects of enough alcohol to feel it, but not to become drunk. Strong fingers massaged the mint shampoo into the black locks, nails gently scratching along his scalp. He practically glowed and preened under the attention given to him by his significant other.

"'mma fall 'sleep Jeno." Chenle hummed when Jeno's fingers tapped his forehead in a silent ask to tip his head back.

Warm water poured over the shampoo coated hair, one of Jeno's hands cupping to block water and soap from falling into his companions eyes. "Don't fall asleep just yet, I still gotta scrub dirt off your body goofball."

The duo fell into comfortable silence accompanied by the sound of water running off Chenle's hair and into the tub. Condensation gathered at the corners of the large mirror in the bathroom connected to their shared room - they decided to move into the same room after two years. Jeno was perched on a stool next to the tub in his signature soft blue sweater with the sleeves rolled up.

"I shouldn't have let you drink, you've never been good with your alcohol." Jeno murmured in between squeezing some conditioner into his palms. Before running the product covered fingers through Chenle's hair he leaned down and pressed a warm and affectionate kiss to his forehead.

Not long after he assisted the intoxicated male out of the tub, handing him a towel to dry himself off. They worked in silence, Chenle tripping over the towel when Jeno tugged a match large blue sweater over his head. His handed him a fresh pair of boxers and sleep shorts.

Tugging him back into the darkness of their room, Jeno helped Chenle climb into the bed, heart swelling as the younger patted the area next to him - a clear sign he wanted his teddy bear, Jeno to join him. Smiling at him through the pitch blackness he climbed into his side of the bed, chuckling lightly when Chenle shuffled closer his face pressed into Jeno's chest. He let out a content hum curling his hands close to his chest, his cold feet pressing against the top of Jeno's thighs, the bluette groaned in dismay.

"Chenle, I love you, but I will shove you out of bed."

The younger only let out a quiet snuffle of laughter. His sleepiness melting away when Jeno murmured his name close to his ear. His tone serious and alert.

"Yeah?" Chenle pulled his head back to look up at Jeno's face, even if it was pitch black in the room.

Jeno's heart jumped into his throat, pulse fluttering like a butterfly threatening to escape. "Will you marry me?" He clenched his eyes shut when the younger went stock still.

The ravenette pushed himself into a sitting position, his head spinning from the movement. "Jeno." His voice wobbled beneath the numerous inflections of tones and emotions in simply saying his future husband's name. "Of course I will, you idiot. God, I love you so much."

Before Jeno could respond Chenle was on top of him smothering him with kisses and hugging him tightly murmuring 'I love you' in between each kiss. Jeno grinned into the kiss, he could feel the younger smiling too. As if sensing the happiness and excitement, Tamo jumped up on the bed flopping his body overtop of his owners panting and tail thumping against the sheets. Their kiss was interrupted by their giddy, love-drunk laughter at Tamo - who they obviously welcomed into the cuddle session.

Okay, this is the actual end of the book. Love you all mwah!

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