|21| Crossfire

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If you are triggered by any of these things mentioned in the TW, please feel free to dm me and I can sum up the chapter. (Yes I stole this from Hannah because she's amazing.)

⚠TW// Murder, lots of blood, gore, angst, mentions of sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic violence (hhhh I'm sorry ;^;)

Splashes of blood and a firing gun rang through his head, vision blurred with crystalline drops of fear. Terrified cries for help ricocheted across the room like a shattering mirror. Loud thumping footsteps approached his tiny frame, clothes torn and wrinkled from prying fingers of a demoness -- his own mother. Breath coming in short and stuttered breath Jeno clambered to his feet running away from the shadowed figure.

"No! Leave me alone!" Bloodied and bruised he turned down the hallway, feet crunching shattered porcelain and glass. Slipping and stumbling with each sharp fragment that dug into his feet.

Bloody footprints followed him, the woman just behind him like an evil demon hovering above him. Small fingers dug themselves under the wooden frame of the window, parts of the wood splintering off to push into the pads of his fingers. Years worth of wood had been chipped away by his fear-bitten nails, the window his only getaway from his mother.



She had fired the gun once more, the bullet aimed straight for the window he attempted to escape through. A piece of glass embedded itself into his cheek, a tiny trail of blood dribbled down his face. More tears bubbled over when he felt a strong hand grab the back of his neck and tug him back, long nails digging into the lower part of his neck. Sobs and forgotten pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Hey!" Someone shouted from behind the mother who had a death-like grip on her child. "Put the boy down or I put you down." Jeno's cries immediately quieted, eyes opening to see two men dressed in black gear, guns in their hands.

One brandished a deep yet bright red hair, while the other had a mop of dark brown hair. Eyes cold and narrowed at the woman with a gun. They slowly made their way down the hallway, Jeno hiccuped covering his whimpers with small gasps and sniffles. He watched with teary eyes, hope twinkled in the brown iris' when he met the brunette's gaze briefly.

Jeno followed the redhead's eyes, he was assessing the state of the house. Crushed porcelain and glass vases covered the bloody and scuffed wooden floor like snow. Flowers tossed carelessly from the impact of shattering vases, a table sitting against the wall had a shred of skin and hair from the head on the corner of it, lightened trails of wood scratched off by fingernails.

His mothers eyes remained blank when she roughly tossed Jeno across the hall into the table where he caught his side with a pained cry.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of my house." She growled out, raising the gun to shoot them she was instead shot in the shoulder. The impact of the bullet caused her to jerk back and slip on the broken vase and figurines.

The brunette looked to Jeno quickly beckoning him over, without hesitating the little boy scrambles to his feet sprinting across the shards of danger into the arms of warmth and protection.

Jeno shot up in bed, sweat covering his body as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Hunching over his lap the blonde pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. The burn grounding him, the missing comfort dug at the aching hole in his heart. He heard shuffling from the end of the bed, he released a small sigh.

"Hey Tamo." Finally controlling himself Jeno slid out of bed hissing when his bare feet made contact with ice cold floor.

With a hazy mind he silently made his way through the base, the shadows shifted and creeped behind him -- at least that's what his mind conjured up. A guardian at his side, soft fur brushing against the tips of his fingers the white a bright light in his time of darkness. Like an innocent and lost child he followed the only sign of light through the darkness his fingers entwined in the fur as if he was holding someone's hand for comfort.

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