Chapter One

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"Y/n.. you sure you want to stay here alone?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine Jihyo, just go on with out me.."

"You sure? You don't look okay.."

She places her hand on my back and slowly moves her hand in circles.

"Don't do that Jihyo. It's not helping. It's marking it worse..."


She instantly retracts her hand and places it at her side.

"Can I just have some alone time please? I appreciate you trying to help but I honestly want to be alone."

"Of course. Take your time. I'll see you later.."

Slowly turns away from me and leaves me by her grave. I honestly don't believe it.

Im Nayeon died...

It doesn't even sound right...

"Bunny... why did you have to leave so early? You told me we were going to grow old together.. You told me we were going to have tons of kids.."

I drop to my knees as tears drop from my eyes. I pull strands of grass from the ground as my emotions overcome my body.

"And we were just about to get married. You were so excited. I can still see that smile plastered across your face."

The sky begins to rumble as the clouds get darker, symboling that it's about to rain

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The sky begins to rumble as the clouds get darker, symboling that it's about to rain..

Perfect timing..

I drop my eyes to the ground and sink my fingers into the dirt.




I lift my head to the sky and stare at the dark clouds. I close my eyes as the rain falls onto my head.




I don't even care about getting wet. All I care about is her. I feel like I can't go on now that she's gone.




Why is the world so cruel? She was so pure. So kind. So.... beautiful. Why did she have to go? Why did they have to take her away from me. Why?





Why does my mind have to be so cruel to me? I'm imagining her voice now? Aish..

"Get up Y/n, your going to catch a cold you idiot."

Of course. She would most definitely scold me if she saw me now. I slowly chuckle and push my self up from the ground, still keeping my eyes shut..

"Why are you keeping your eyes shut? Look at me."

Even though my eyes are closed, I can sense her pouting. I know that when I open them, she's not going to be there. I chuckle softly before opening my eyes.

Of course.. she's not here..

I sigh softly to my self as I run my hand through my hair. Stop getting false hope Y/n..

I find myself shivering as water trickles down my body. I don't care if I get sick, but for the sake of Nayeon, I'll take care of myself.

I remove my damp jacket and place it over my head in hopes of shielding myself from the water.

I guess I should go home then. I take one last glance at her grave before running towards the exit of the graveyard.


Should I have made myself visible? No.. that would have hurt him even more.. But.. I still feel terrible.

Why'd you have to be so weak Nayeon? You should have been stronger. You should have fighted to stay alive..

But, this is way better than feeling that pain..

"Oh Y/n.. I can't wait for us to meet again."

I follow behind him as he exits the graveyard.

He stops at the gate to talk with Jihyo. I hate that I left him to be around her. She's so touchy..

She gives him a hug before sending him off to his car. He dashes towards the vehicle and hops inside the car quickly.

As much as I want to sit next to him in that car, I can't. That would hurt him to much. I can't do that to him...

He's too precious...


Okay! That's the end of the first chapter! Sorry if it was short. I'm planning on making these chapters shorter than my normal books. I hope you don't mind.

Also, this book will be shorter in general. I'm making it shorter because this story line is meant to be sweet and short.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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