Chapter Three

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(Day Two)

It's the second day without her....

I still don't believe it.

I went to her grave this morning and sat there for hours.

Why couldn't it be me? Why did she have to die?

After I left the graveyard, I decided to get some coffee. Coffee always calms me down.

She liked coffee..

Dammit Y/n, stop thinking about her, your only making it harder for yourself...

I open the door to the cafe as I get bombarded with the smell of the dirty earth beans. That smell alone is enough to calm me down..

"Welcome!" The cashier exclaimed, giving me a wide smile. I smile weakly back at her as I scan the room for an open seat.

I spot a table in the corner by the window. Perfect...

"Y/n! Come sit here!"

I glance around the room, searching for the person who called my name. It sounded like....

"Ah.. Jihyo." I smile softly as she pats a seat next to her, signaling me to sit down.

I make my way over to the seat as Jihyo takes a sip of her coffee.

"How are you? Are you doing any better." My smile falters as the words leave Jihyo's mouth.

"I'm... not doing to well.. don't worry about me Jihyo, I can handle myself.." I smile at her in hopes of reassuring her.

It didn't work of course..

"I don't buy it. You always smile like that when your upset. Come on Y/n.. you have to stay strong." Jihyo exclaimed, placing her hand on mine.

"I'll be strong when I'm ready." I said, slowly moving my hand away from hers. "I just need some time..."

I get up from my spot and walk towards the cashier after giving Jihyo a small smile.

"Welcome to the Cozy Corner Cafe! How can I help you today?" The lady asks, giving me a smile.

"Hello. I would like a Caramel Frappuccino with a slice of Cheesecake please." I smile softly as I begin to take out my wallet.

"Okay that will be $12.78. May I have your name please?" She asks, as she takes out a black marker.

She takes out a clear cup and removes the cover from the marker. She then looks up to me awaiting my answer.

"(Nickname). And here you go." I smile softly as I hand her the money.

"Thank you." She takes the money from me and places it into the cash register.

As she writes down the name, I see a small smirk form on her lips.

What is she smiling at? The name? Or me?I shrug softly as I make my way back to my seat.

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