it was weeks later until i received a message from lei.
unknown number
hey, minhyuk, it's
been a bit. i'm sor
ry i didn't message
you sooner.who is this?
sent ✓i had forgotten all about the little incident that had occured at the park weeks ago, albeit having taken quite a liking to lei.
i inhaled as i awaited a reply from the unknown number, and whenever i heard a quiet ding! come from my phone, i quickly opened the message.
unknown number
you don't rememb
er me?no. if i did, i wouldn't
have asked who you
seenunknown number
it's lei, from the pa
rk. remember? a f
ew weeks ago. you
helped me a bit wi
th my break up? g
od, i was a sobbing
mess. sorry, aha."ohh, lei." i thought outloud to myself. i smiled and quickly saved her number into my phone.
hey! don't leave me
on read, minhyuk.shit! sorry, i was sa
ving your number
into my phone.
pfft, it's fine, buddy.any reason in part
icular as to why yo
u've just chose to m
essage me?did something come
nah, boredom jus
t got the best of m
e, yanno?i see.
would you perhaps
care to meet up wit
h me sometime?
sent ✓why she had just disappeared like that was beyond me. i know one thing though, time sure went by slowly as i waited for her to reply.
i stared at my phone for a few minutes, waiting for the "sent ✓ " to change to "seen."
i finally set my phone down on the coffee table placed in front of me, turning it onto its screen as i pushed myself to my feet.
i walked over to the kitchen in my apartment and swung the refrigerator door open, my eyes darting from food item to food item. i pulled a tray of fruit from the top shelf and tossed it gently onto the table placed in the middle of the kitchen.
i moved from the fridge and near the sink, pulling at a drawer and grabbing a silver fork.
the notification from my phone frightened me and i jumped slightly. i ran past the kitchen doorway and back over to my phone, hoping it was lei who i had received a notification from.
i parted my lips and placed my fork on my tongue, closing my lips around it as i grabbed my phone and opened the message.
yeah, i would love
to meet up! would
today be okay for
you? i'm really bo, deadass, i've
been awake for, li
ke 3 hours and i h
aven't moved from
my bed.