Episode 2 - Monster From Mars

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Channel 99 logo plays.

Monkey Studios logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays

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Scene 1

A man with a gray suit and a red and black coat stands on a stage facing a large crowd. He has black hair and a goatee.

Man: Welcome to the show, folks! I am Miracle Man, and I will amaze you with my extraordinary abilities!
Miracle Man waves around dramatically and thunder rumbles overhead. The crowd gasps as Miracle Man summons lightning down on stage. He then proceeds to move around the lightning, all while facing the crowd and the cameras around him.

Miracle Man: I am sure you've all heard talk of the Fantastic Four on the news recently, a group of people with superpowers. But I am all of them, combined!

Miracle Man stretches his arm out, catches on fire, crushes a whole in the stage, and then turns invisible. He turns visible again on the other side of the stage.

Miracle Man: See? The Fantastic Four have nothing on me! Even the Avengers, all the way over in New York...

Miracle Man continues his show, and in his final act he disappears in a puff of smoke. He is shown backstage, sitting down in a chair and listening to the cheering sound of the audience in front of the curtain.

Miracle Man: You know, maybe I'm right. Why am I still here, wasting my life performing, when I could be doing more? I could be the most powerful man in the world. I could control the world!

Miracle Man sits back and starts to think, his mouth curling into a smile.

Miracle Man: Yes, conquering the world sounds nice.

Fantastic Four intro plays.

Scene 2

Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny are all in the Baxter Building. Reed is writing out calculations on a clear board while Sue reads, Johnny watches TV, and Ben easily carries around a barbell.

Ben: How's it coming? You done yet?

Reed runs his hand through his hair.

Reed: No. Not even close. This is going to take some time. I've figured out that I can stretch by converting the mass of my body into a malleable state and Sue can bend different forms of light around her body through cosmic energy to make herself and anything she wishes invisible. Johnny can encase his body in fiery plasma without harming himself and can control ambient heat energy.

Johnny: Dude, it sounds much cooler if you just say that I can turn into fire.

Reed: But for you, Ben, it's a little more complicated.

Johnny: More complicated than what you just said?

Reed: Your bone structure, tissue structure, skin, and such have all increased in density and hardened, making you have smooth, hard, orange, rocky skin.

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