Chapter 2:

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*Amy narrating*

I blew out a breath to shoo away a piece of hair that fell over my face repeatedly. *Looks up* "There it is, Bert's Coffee shop" I said in my mind slightly smiling. I was actually quite excited to get something nice, for myself. It's been a while since it's just been me getting something cause with the band we do things together all the time. (And of course, that gets annoying at times).

   As I opened the door a young looking girl smiled from behind the counter. "Welcome to Bert's Coffee shop, I'm Amanda" she said with a very perky looking smile and a very perky outfit with her hair to match. (Made me feel like the black sheep of the room with what I'm wearing) "Hi, can I get a cappuccino with whip cream please?" I ordered while I examined on how dang clean this place is. "How is it that this place is always so spotless? Must have a good staff"  I said in my mind, maybe we should hire them to clean the studio *laughs at joke* I know, I'm terrible at jokes, don't care though.
   Watching her speed write everything down and then start to do the math I didn't notice that someone came in and was standing behind me, all I noticed we're those plump looking goodies... *Glances at glass at my right, then double takes* oh damn... Those cinnamon rolls looked BOMB! See this place is my favorite cause 1: the coffee is pretty good. 2: you have free WiFi, and 3: the sweets
"Hey mind if I get one of your cinnamon rolls?" I asked as I pulled my purse strap higher up my shoulder. She nodded "Of course Ms." She replied proudly. Lord help me when I saw her grab the yummiest looking one I literally felt my tongue twist.

   "Ok your total today is $6.79 will you be paying cash or card?"
"Cash" I answered, but as I was digging through my purse I felt no wallet. "Huh okay then *Checks pockets, still no wallet* oh crap" I mumbled shortly. I can't believe I forgot my wallet!!! What the hell was going through my mind!? Now I have to go all the way to the hotel (which is a 20 minute walk from here) then come back here, that's 40 minutes!! By then my drink will be cold and my bun gross and stale. I smiled nervously "I forgot my wallet, would you mind if I take this stuff and come right back with the money? I swear I'll only be an hour" I asked politely, hoping her answer would be yes. But her answer wasn't what I wanted.
   "I'm sorry ma'am but it's not allowed, to many people made off with free coffees" she grumbled. I sighed and lowered my head till it hit the counter "Do I honestly LOOK like the type that would do that?" My voice muffled. But right when this girl uh, what's her name again? Amanda! Yes, anyways right when 'Amanda' was about to refuse I heard an extremely soft voice speak from behind me. "If you don't mind Ms. I could pay for it".
Quickly I stood up right and looked behind me expecting to see someone but all I saw was a 'Person' with a black mask on and sunglasses. "Who the hell is this?"  I wondered.

   Strangely though Amanda seemed to have recognized this person whose passing creepy vibes to me. "Ok then! *Hands me my order* here you go ma'am"
"wait I didn't agree to this"
"Sure you did!! *Leans closer into me* you're so lucky! It's like he bought you lunch!" She exclaimed while trying to contain her joy (Which I don't know why). "So it's a 'He'? How interesting... I swear if that was his pick-up line then by God you're weak"  I said in my head while eying him up and down. "Ok then, thanks... I guess" I thanked  walking past him to have a sit at a table.

   Once I was seated I watched as this man order and talk with the girl while she prepared everything. It's funny I couldn't take my eyes off him, he kinda reminded me of- well me, he's dark, mysterious, quiet, and tall.
He looked at me. Oh Sh*t!! Did he notice me starting at him? Gosh if he did I'm gonna be so embarrassed!😩 Quickly I grabbed my phone from my purse and pretended I was texting trying to cover my embarrassment. But my cover was blown cause from the top of my screen I watched as this man pay for his drink and then walk over to me. "Hey, mind if I sit next to you?".
"Ok Amy, do I refuse gently or do I accept? Hmm... Maybe I should just say yes, I mean he did buy me my coffee and cinnamon bun. It would be a nice thing to do." 
"Do what you want" I whispered still pretending that I'm texting. He pulled out his chair and sat down "thank you Ms-"
"Hartzler" I answered as I flashed him a glance just to be you know, nice. "Hartzler? Amy Lynn Hartzler from Evanescence!? Wow this is amazing I'm a huge fan of yours!" He exclaimed excited, It's funny with his reaction it was like he was a kid getting a treat for being good. *Rolls eyes* "Well how exciting one of my fans bought me lunch, big wow" I mumbled sarcastically while looking down at my phone.

   He sighed softly and I kinda had a feeling that he was smiling a bit. (It's just a gut feeling don't judge ok?) "You don't know me do you?" He asked sudden.
That is such a weird thing to say like omg, "How am I suppose to 'Know you' if you're face is hidden? moron" I snapped back shortly.
"Geez I hate people who ask stupid questions". I said in my mind. Randomly he then looked around the room as if he was undercover.
"Well since no one is here I can take off my mask" he replied while untying the mask strings behind his head. I slightly shrugged "I don't care what you do actually, it's not like I'm FORCING you to hide behind you're face covering it's your choice man, but still though I think it's kinda weir-" but I stopped... I couldn't speak, I was... stunned by what I saw.

He was- he was- *shakes it off* no Amy don't fall for looks girl

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He was- he was- *shakes it off* no Amy don't fall for looks girl. Sure he's got amazing puppy like brown eyes and a fine looking jaw structure and pale looking skin but there's lots of others like that. *Exhales* don't care don't care don't care...

   He just stared at me as I did with him with a wondering look on my face. "You still don't know me?" He asked. His voice sounded as soft as ever!😍 *Growls while trying to shake the thought and coming on feeling* GOD DAMN IT AMY!!! BLOCK EVERYTHING!
"Yeah sorry still don't know who you are" I answered shaking my head. He nodded slowly as he touched his chin. "Very well then, *holds out his hand* I'm Michael, Michael Jackson"

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