Chapter 8

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Thanks to Winn having already hacked into both the Crow's financial records, along with Jacob Kane's personal finance records, Kara was able to track down the purchases of the weapons Jacob had no doubt bought from Lex, though of course, there was no direct link between Jacob and Lex. Luckily, Winn had already worked to unravel the purchase chain to save them some time.

The weapons had been purchased under the guise of buying normal weapons from a shell corporation called Blast Range Manufacturers, which was a subsidiary of American Atomic Defenses, which which was a subsidiary of Amertek Industries, of which Lex Luthor was a shareholder and using a backdoor Lena had built into the Luthor Corp mainframe before Lex had fired her, they discovered that the weapons Jacob had purchased were actually manufactured by Lex at Luthor Corp. It wouldn't be enough to convict Lex, but it would be useful in bringing him down.

That, in addition to the information Luke and Kate had already provided her regarding Jacob's deal with Hamilton Dynamics about building an arsenal of bat killing weapons among other things, Kara had managed to put together a rather scathing expose on Jacob Kane, though she was letting Lois handle her father.

"So, how's it looking?" Kate asked as she approached Kara, who was sitting in a chair in her office, working on the article.

"You tell me." Kara said as she turned her laptop around for Kate to see.

"The Man Who's Doomed Gotham: the Jacob Kane Story." Kate read and she had to admit, she already liked the sound of that title.

"Catchy." Kate said as she read the article.

"What do you think?" Kara asked as Kate finished reading it.

"I only have one problem with it." Kate said.

"What?" Kara asked nervously.

"You're too kind in it." Kate said.

"I can't be accused of having too much of an emotional connection to the story." Kara said and Kate chuckled.

"Fair enough. Now we just need to hope that enough people read it. We've also sent that recording to GCPD, so they should know that my dad aided a terrorist." Kate said.

"So, how long do you think it will be before they make an arrest?" Kara asked.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I plan on testifying against my dad at his trial." Kate said, since this was different than the first time her dad was sent to prison. This time, she was the one putting him there for crimes he did commit. And while a small part of her may feel guilty about what she's doing, she also knew that he did this to himself and now he was getting what he deserved.

"In the meantime, Lucy has planted the bug, now we just need to wait until we get a location on the buy, so that way we can destroy the weapons and also take down Alice." Kara said.

"And find my mom." Kate said as Luke entered the office from the batcave.

"What's up?" Kate asked.

"We've got a location for the meet." Luke said.

"Let's get moving." Kate said and Kara nodded.

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