Chapter 4

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"You must be Kara's boyfriend." Kate said when she entered the batcave to find a guy with a beard wearing what was basically a reverse color scheme of Superman's suit waiting for her.

"Call me Mon-El." Mon-El said as Kate then noticed Kara lying unconscious in his arms.

"What happened to her." Kate asked.

"Your father happened." Mon-El said.

"I'm gonna kill him." Kate said.

"Actually, there are a few people who have a right to get a few shots in before he dies." Mon-El said.

"I'm assuming you mean J'onn and Superman." Kate said.

"Among other people. Mind if I make a few calls, since no offense, but this place doesn't exactly have the right equipment to help Kara heal." Mon-El said.

"Do it. There's a cot in the side room that you can put Kara on while you make those calls." Kate said and Mon-El nodded as he moved to lay Kara down on the cot before pulling out his phone and calling J'onn.

"Mon-El, what is it?" J'onn asked.

"Have Winn trace my location and use the transmatter portal to get here now. And bring sun lamps." Mon-El said.

"What's going on?" J'onn asked.

"It turns out that while taking down Jacob Kane wasn't on our agenda when we came here, it is now. He has kryptonite, which he used on Kara." Mon-El said.

"Give me a minute to get in touch with Clark and Lena, since I have a feeling that Superman will want to pay a visit to Jacob Kane in person and Lena can give Kara a kryptonite suit." J'onn said.

"Call them from here, Kara needs those sun lamps now. Do it or I'll call Alex." Mon-El said.

"Mon-El, the last thing she needs to do is go to Gotham, she's still recovering." J'onn said.

"I know, but she'll feel useful yelling at you to get your ass here now." Mon-El pointed out.

"Fair enough." J'onn said.

"J'onn, please, hurry." Mon-El said.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." J'onn said as he hung up and Mon-El looked at his girlfriend, who was still suffering from the effects of the kryptonite.

"Hurry." Mon-El said.

"Any ideas on how my dad got his hands on a weapon that can fire kryptonite?" Kate asked Luke.

"Not from any company here in Gotham. It'll take me some time to figure out where he got it from." Luke said as he continued hacking.

"No need, I already know exactly where he got the gun from." Mon-El said as he approached them.

"Where?" Kate asked.

"Luthor Corp. Lex Luthor is Superman's greatest enemy. He's spent billions of dollars developing weapons to level the playing field. He's one of the only people on this planet who can make kryptonite." Mon-El said.

"I'm aware of that, considering I've met the bastard, but how would my dad even know about that, since right now the world sees Lex Luthor as a beloved billionaire humanitarian genius." Kate said.

"My guess would be through a mutual acquaintance, General Sam Lane." Mon-El said.

"Lois's father and my father's former commanding officer." Kate said and Mon-El nodded.

"General Lane has a very similar view of vigilantes, especially aliens, but even more so kryptonians, as your father." Mon-El explained.

"Got it. How did you know?" Kate asked.

"Our tech support Winn Schott did some digging and found multiple phone calls between your dad and Sam Lane and Lex Luthor, along with anonymous purchases of very suspicious weaponry from Shell companies associated with Luthor Corp." Mon-El said as a transmatter portal opened and J'onn and Lena jumped out.

"Where is she?" Lena asked and Mon-El was relieved to see Lena had portable sun lamps with her.

"Follow me." Mon-El said as he led Lena towards where Kara was resting.

"What is Lena Luthor doing here?" Luke asked.

"Lena's a part of our team, one of our big brains." J'onn said.

"Thank you for coming so quickly." Kate said to her fellow paragon.

"Nothing could keep me away. Kara is like a daughter to me. Speaking of which, her actual parents are furious and the only reason they aren't here is because I told them I don't want to have to Kara that I'm arresting either of them for murdering a human, no matter how much he deserves it." J'onn said.

"What about Superman?" Luke asked.

"He's on his way here now, since he wants to help take Jacob Kane down." J'onn said.

"What was the portal you came through?" Luke asked, the scientist in him taking over.

"It's called a transmatter portal. Lena built one into our lair to allow us to instantly transport to any desired location that we're needed. We left the remainder of our team in National City, since we can't leave it completely undefended, but if necessary, they can join us here." J'onn explained and Kate nodded.

"We should divide and conquer. Once Kara recovers, she and I can resume what we were originally planning on doing tonight while you, Mon-El and Superman can deal with my dad." Kate said and J'onn nodded.

"Let us know if you need any additional help with your mission as well." J'onn said and Kate nodded.

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