Chapter 16 - Drama & Lies

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Xylo looked at me confused as hell, tilting his head.


"That's my ex-girlfriend!.." I covered my face hoping she hadn't seen me. Xylo looked away, I didn't know for sure, but he seemed jealous. I looked at Xylo.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, he slightly nodded in response. Now I know for sure he's not okay. Once Melissa sat down the class began, and the teacher instructed what to do.

After the lesson, I wanted to be the first one out of the classroom so I could avoid Melissa. As soon as the bell went I sprinted out of the room, Xylo ran after me. Once I got to my locker I put my laptop away and plopped my back against the locker, panting from being out of breath.

"You didn't need to run all the way here."

"Yes, I did, or else she would've seen me!"

"What exactly did she do to you?" He questioned, I expected this, so I wasn't shocked when he asked.

"She used me for attention. At my old school, I was quite popular. She pretended to like and date me so she could feel popular and have everyone picking up after her." I explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that."

"It's alright, besides." I looked around seeing if anyone was near, grabbing his tie and pulling him close. "I practically have a vampire to pleasure me now." Smirking I let go of his tie and walked away. I could hear him faintly chuckling in the background as I walked around to find Samantha and Jay for Science class.

Once the bell went it was recess, Samantha, Jay, and I pretty much did nothing during class because all I was talking about was my lying and cheating ex who arrived in school this morning. They also thought it wasn't far, we got a whole sheet of questions done throughout the lesson but in about the last 10 minutes we all slacked off and had our own little conversations. Jay, Samantha, and I grabbed our stuff and walked into class and guess who was standing in the hallway, Melissa. I could see Xylo chilling in the corner, sucking on a lollipop or some type of candy.

"Zane!" Melissa exclaimed, jumping to me, and hugging me tightly. I was speechless, I didn't want to talk to this slut especially after what she did to me.

"Go away-" before I could say anything more to get rid of her she pushed herself onto me and kissed me. My eyes were pretty much paralysed open in shock. Jay and Samanthas jaws dropped to the floor, along with everyone else around us. Not to long later Xylo ran over and ripped her off me, throwing her to the floor. So, he IS jealous my mind was about to start spinning with the thought, but I managed to push it out of my mind for now. Melissa stood up, she was not happy and Xylo was way stronger than her, I didn't want him ripping of her arms or something. "Xylo lets just go" I muttered from behind him, he looked at me, then at Melissa and then back at me, lightly nodding. Xylo and I walked off and Jay and Samantha followed.

"Wait up!" Jay yelled, Xylo and I walking and looked back, Xylo looked at me and started to walk off but I grabbed his hand to tell him to stay.

"What is it?"

"Melissa! Why did she kiss you?" Jay asked, Samantha was next to him with her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

"She's my ex. She must still think were together. She used me for fame and popularity at my old school." I explained.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense." He replied. "Why did Xylo rip her off you." He continued, giving a small death stare to Xylo. I looked at Xylo, then at Jay and Samantha.

"Yeah, that's a good question! Ever since we told you about Xylo all you do is hang out with him. Not to mention he protects you like he's your guardian angel." Samantha explained to me Bossily.

"Xylo's my friend. He's a good guy when you get to know him and frankly, most people don't even give him a chance." Samantha and Jay looked at each other then back at me, Xylo leaned down and whispered into the back of my ear.

"Zane..blood..." He mumbled, leaning his head on my shoulder. I looked at him in the corner of my eye, then at the others.

"We'll be back" I turned around to face Xylo and brought him to the bathroom and sat him on the toilet seat on the cubicle, closing and locking the door. I looked at him and leaned down on my knees. "You okay?" He softly nodded, instantly I knew it was a lie. "Do you want to drink from my wrist or my neck?" I asked softly.

"You chose, it's your body." He said softly. His head hung low, his hands holding his head. I softly smiled, grabbing his hands, and pulling him to his feet.

"You chose." I lifted his head up, a warm smile crossing my face.

"I don't want to hurt you, so I'll just drink from your wrist.." He proposed, grabbing my arm, and slowly sinking his fangs into my skin. It didn't really hurt anymore, it was a slight pinch and then I felt nothing, I softly played with his hair and listened closely in case anyone walked in the bathroom. We were in one of the cubicles but its always best to make sure the coast is clear. Not long after the door opened, Xylo must've heard it open too because he lifted his head up, removing his fangs from my wrist. I put my finger over his lips.

"Zane are you in here?" It was Jay, we had probably been gone way longer then we hoped, I looked at Xylo and nodded softly.

"Yes, Jay I'm in here. Just feeling ill, what do you need?"

"Where's Xylo gone? You took him with you and now we can't find him anywhere. Samantha also needs your help with something." He asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed, there was only one way out of this mess, it was either lie or tell the truth. I couldn't tell him Xylo was in here because he was a vampire and he needed to drink my blood. Xylo would never trust me again and frankly, I liked having him around and I enjoyed being around him. If I told Jay Xylos secret hed never speak to me again. Xylo told me because he trusted me, and I don't want to break his trust in me. I didn't have a choice but to lie.

"Look uh Jay, I've been keeping something from you, and I don't think you'd believe me if I told you." Xylo looked dead-ass at me not knowing what I was about to say, I softly smiled at him before continuing. "Xylo and I are friends with benefits."

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