Chapter 56 - Midnight Groom

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My heartfelt super fuzzy and warm, my insides were tingling, my feet glued to the floor. My hands continued to stay over my mouth in shock as I looked down at the ring, lifting my gaze to face Xylo who was standing in front of me anxious about my response. My eyes would continue to water from the happiness I felt, it was a kind that I have never felt before. I lifted my hands down from my mouth, breathing heavier than I wished as tears began rolling down my hot red cheeks. A large smile would cross my face as I'd rapidly nod my head, keeping my eyes fixated on him and only him.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I'd chuckle, Xylo laughed a loveable laugh in relief and took the ring out of the box, putting the box back into his pocket. I'd bite my lip and laugh joyfully as he took my hand and slid the ring onto my ring finger on the left hand. I'd look at the ring and then look up at him. "I love you, so, so, much." I'd chuckle, tears of joy running down my cheeks as I'd jump up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I'd press my lips to his and steal him with a very passionate kiss as Xylo wrapped his arms around me and held me closely secured in his embrace, sitting me on the fence of the bridge.

Xylo would firmly grip onto my hips to keep me secured so I wouldn't fall off the bridge edge, my legs squeezed around him as one of my hands gripped onto the back of his hair to keep his as close as possible. I'd press against his body as my back slightly arched, the heat between our bodies growing higher. I'd run my finger through his hair, my legs squeezing themselves around his waist, a soft groan would escape my lips as I pressed them closer against his, deepening the kiss. My body would begin to grind up against his as my back straightened, vibrations of pleasure and need shocked up my spine. I'd pant lightly against his soft and gentle lips as I'd pull back, my head hanging backwards as I'd let out a groan.

Xylo bit his bottom lip and seductively chuckled, grabbing my waist and pulling me down off the edge. He'd move closer to me and press his lips against mine once more, my hand cupping his cheek.

"We should head back to the hotel." Xylo would mention, parting our lips from one another's. I'd look him up and down and grin.

"I couldn't agree more. We have a bottle of champagne to pop." I'd smirk with a chuckle before walking off. Just before I could begin to run back to the hotel Xylo grabbed me and picked me up, sprinting to the hotel at a very fast speed. He'd put me back on my feet when we got to the doors of the hotel, we both walked in and went over to the elevator and pressed the button to take us to our floor. We then found our room and unlocked the door to go in. Xylo walked in first and I walked over to grab my bag I had the champagne in, sitting on the bed and taking it out while Xylo closed, and locked the door. When Xylo walked over I popped open the bottle, the cork flying somewhere in the room, Xylo and I instantly laughed.

He took the champagne bottle from me and ran to where the glasses were in the kitchen with me rushing after him. Xylo put the champagne on the bench and took out two champagne glasses and filled us each a glass, handing one to me. We clicked our glasses together and both took a sip. We had probably 3 glasses by the time it was 2 in the morning. I had just finished my 3rd and to my surprise, I was still extremely sober. Xylo went to refill both of our glasses but I took the bottle and put it on the bench just before he could, I'd grab his tie and pull him close to me, lifting my head to his ear before seductively whispering.

"Drink from me, you're going to need your stamina for tonight." I'd grin. In a matter of seconds, Xylo had stripped us both of our shirts, jackets and ties, pinning me up against the wall near the champagne bottle. He quickly sunk his teeth into my neck and began to drink from me, my body heating up from the pleasurable feeling. "Xylo." I'd groan as I'd press my back against the wall, one of my hands gripping onto his locks and the other hand gripping one of his wrists, my nails digging into his skin. I'd feel the blood in my veins rushing to my neck, My body lightly trembling against him from wanting more, and more. My head would press back against the wall, Xylos leg pressing between mine and making me release a shaky moan.

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