Chapter 42 - Violence

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That morning I woke up to the sun shining through the window, the wind blowing my curtains and the birds chirping and soaring through the sky. It was probably around 6:30 O'clock which was early seeing how I normally woke up at 7:15. I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms above my head. God, why is it so early? I swung my legs over the bed and got up, getting dressed. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and took it off charge and put it in my pocket. Everyone else was more likely asleep so I had to be quiet. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door and creeped out, walking to the kitchen where my bag was. There were some apples in the kitchen so I ate one of those and grabbed my laptop out of my bag and put it on charge in the kitchen till I was ready to go seeing how my dumbass didn't charge it last night.

I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth, put on some cologne, ext. Once I got downstairs I finished my apple and put the core in the bin and then got my lunch ready for school and put that into my bag when it was done. After all, that was finally over and done with it was the time I would've normally woke up. I grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote down a note for Catelyn because my dad would've been out at work. I grabbed my laptop of charge and plopped it into my bag, zipped up the zippers and threw it over my shoulder. I opened the door and locked it from the inside so when I closed the door I didn't need to use the key. I quickly ran to school so I could be there early seeing how Samantha for all I know was going to probably be late so I could chill with Jay, hopefully, I wouldn't run into Melissa and Claire.

Although those two had been kinda off lately, neither one of them had tried to say hi to me during recess or lunch, during drama class, or just at the start of the day or the end of the day when I was by myself. It was a little chilly in the morning but it was alright because the sun kept me warm. Once I got into the school I walked straight to my locker so I could put my bag away and as expected there had been no sign of Samantha. However, Jay was probably wandering around the school so I pulled out my phone and turned it on and walked around while I waited for my screen to load up. There were a few kids walking around the school with their friends and I saw some guys playing basketball on the courts. Once my phone was on I texted Jay and told him to meet me in the bathroom.

As soon as I got to the bathroom I saw Jay down the hall with a girl, they were just chilling and having a laugh about goodness knows what, I started walking over to them when someone grabbed my hand and locked me in an empty classroom with them when I turned to face the asshole I saw Claire. Ugh, great. She hasn't bothered me until now, what a lovely surprise.

"What the hell do you want now? Leave me alone, Samantha saved your ass last time."

"I told you I knew you knew." She snapped. I rolled my eyes and huffed under my breath annoyed. This bitch didn't know how to back off and worst of all Samantha wasn't here to save her ass if she pushed me past my limit again.

"You could've killed him, Claire." I snapped back deeper. Claire crossed her arms with a grin.

"He's a vampire, Zane. He practically died years ago. What's worse is you're keeping it a secret! You've got the most proof he is one!" Claire argued. I clenched my jaw and gripped onto her wrist.

"Xylo, Is my boyfriend. You and you're selfish bullshit can be thrown out the window for all I care Claire! I'm not going to let some little pest like you remove the one thing I love. He is everything to me and there is no way in hell I'd give him to death for some petty 'save the world' shit you rant on about! Try to remove him from my life and you'll end up headless." I'd threaten, the sharp words flying out of my mouth. My blood boiling at 100 degrees. I let go of her wrist while pushing her away from me. "Try and you'll be sorry." I cursed. Claire rolled her eyes.

"Face the real world, Zane! He's dangerous!"

"I don't care if he's 'dangerous'! He wouldn't hurt anyone! He acts more human than you ever could!" I growled. I clenched my hand into a fist as my blood boiled, even more, her fucking nerve to keep this argument going on just pushed me.

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