Sorry about your Window...

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Andy smiled realizing this could be it. He took the package from his Mom and went over to the couch at the T.V. and began to open his gift before Karen could even get her coat off. Once Andy finally got the wrapping paper off he smiled brightly pulling out the doll from the box. "A good guy!" He said excitedly. Karen laughed and sat down on the other side of the good guy doll.

He had Bright ginger hair, with deep blue eyes and brown freckles. He had the same looking overalls as Andy and a bright deceiving smile.

"Show me how he works" Karen said. Andy sat up in front of the doll, "Hi, I'm Andy, whats your name?" Andy said looking deeply into the dolls deep blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Chucky. And ill be your friend until the end. Hidey Ho, Ha Ha Ha." The ginger haired doll said. Karen laughed "he's somethin isnt he?"

"Aw Mom thanks!" Andy said. He went over and hugged his Mom, who hugged him back. Andy hadn't let Chucky out of his sight since the evening he got him. It about 8:30 at night, Andy was 'teaching Chucky how to build.

Andy finished hammering fake toy wood. "See, thats how you build things." Chucky might have been a killer, and might have been heartless but right when he meet Andy if anybody dared lay a hand on him, it wouldn't be but 5 seconds until they were pinned and had a knife through their body.

Chucky enjoyed watching Andy, he really did he thought it was cute, but then again he wanted to see what the news had to say about his death.

His head was looking over at the turned on T.V. but his body was facing Andy. "Hey Chucky, your not watching me..." Andy said. "Hey Andy time for bed!" Aunt Maggie said who was over at the counter, secretly eating his birthday cake.

"Come on Chucky, we have to go get ready for bed." Andy was about to turn around to go get ready for bed when he was stopped by a voice telling him to listen. He bent down at Chucky as the doll whispered in his ear.

"Aunt Maggie, Chucky wants to watch the 9:00 news." Andy said. "Sure he does" Aunt Maggie replied. She went over and picked Andy up. "Chucky." Andy quickly reminded her. "Oh yes, Chucky." She went back over and picked him up, his builder hat falling off. Aunt Maggie went to Andy's room and layed Chucky on the bed and set Andy down.

Aunt Maggie went into the Kitchen where she was once before and began to do the dishes. She was on her 3rd dish when she jumped at the start of the T.V. turning on.

She slowly walked out of the kitchen and peeked into the living room where the ginger haired doll was siting on a chair, head facing the turned on T.V.

She sighed, and once again turned the T.V. off and grabbed Chucky by his left arm and once again went through the hall to find Andy. She found him in the bathroom to the right from the living room.

"Andy what is this?" Maggie said to Andy who was over at the sink doing his teeth. "Doing what?" He shyly asked. Aunt Maggie already had him in his bedroom and had put Chucky under the covers.

"You know, turning on the T.V. and putting Chucky in front of it." Maggie replied to Andy's question. "I didn't do that." Andy said to Aunt Maggie "So Chucky just went ocer and watched T.V. all by hiself?" Maggie replied a bit frustrated. Andy not knowing what to do turned his head to Chucky "Did you do that Chucky?" Before Chucky could answer Maggie interupted

"Andy! Stop it! Now under the covers." Andy was now under his newly washed covers on his bed "But I-" Andy started. "Under the covers and not another word." Maggie raised her voice a little at 'under'.

She smiled and kissed Andy on the forehead before turning the lamp off and closing Andy's front door. Andy turned his head to look at Chucky "I told you she wouldn't let you watch the 9:00 news." Now that the two were finally alone, Chucky trusted Andy enough to talk to him.

"Thats alright sport. Just stay here, I gotta do somethin." Chucky said. "Okay." Andy said while finally closing his eyes to sleep, he wasn't really interested about what Chucky was exactly going to do.

Chucky kissed Andy on the forehead before hoping off the bed in search of a weapon. Chucky was known as the 'Lakeshore Strangler' but he didn't quite strangle Maggie.

Maggie was now laying on the couch, with a book open she had just recently got from the library downtown. She was at chapter 8 when she heard someone run by real fast.

She sat up startled. "Andy?" She called out. There was no response. It was quite now but she was curious. She got off the couch and went to were she heard someone or something pass by.

She went over to the front door, which was surprisingly unlocked. The strange thing was there was a chair pushed against it, she never put a chair there. She was locking the door when she heard a loud noise from the kitchen. She yelped in surprisment, it sounded like something broke.

She slowly crept to the kitchen and walked slowly to the other side of the counter to reveal a glass cup that once had sugar in it, spilt on the ground. She was confused at first, but shrugged it off as Andy messing with her.

She reached over and grabbed a broom and began to clean up the mess when she heard one of the blue glass vase move. She went over to them, slowly and aware of her surroundings.

She built up enough courage to move one of them to check behind it. She sighed "What is wrong with me? I'm scaring myself to death." But she didn't realize that letting her guard down would the most terrible mistake in her life.

She turned around, her eyes widened and mouth dropped. The familiar Ginger haired doll stood before her, hammer in his right hand. She was to scared to realize she was hit in the head and began to stumble backwards.

Once her sense returned it was to late. She tried grabbing the kitchen table cloth but only made it pull off the table, not only two seconds later she heard glass shattering.

She fell, kicked and screamed furiously but nothing could save her now. Her vision went black as her back brutally hit a car on the ground just below Karens apartment window.

Everything fell silent and all you could hear was the wind. Chucky hopped off the counter, throwing the weapon to the side carelessly. He leaned over the window to see how bad it was. "Jesus." He said in disgust.

He knew it wouldnt be long before cops were called so he tried his best to clean up the mess. He then returned to Andy's room, he took off his Red and white sneakers and threw them to the side.

He knew more than likely there would be evidence on the shoes, but he was to tired to deal with it that exact night. He climbed into bed, luckily not waking Andy and went into Barbie mode.

Hey guys! Took me a few hours to come out with part two, but part 3 might be published later tonight or tomorrow.

Word count: 1279 words

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