Ch.3 Sike Bitch

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I'm confuzzled at the moment at how I should go about writing this book still but I'll figure it out someday.
Oh god my eyes feel like ass
And I'm fashionably late for my own book ;)

2023 me here and more unintelligible then ever and this isn't. Afucking book you dumb bitch it's a story 😭😭🐓
"Alright I'm invested." I say as I flip onto my stomach and start aggressively swinging my legs.
"Well that was quick.."
"Of course it was. I saw the potential in your proposal and hopped on that band wagon."
"Awesome! By the way I'll invite Conan and Evan along with us as well."
"Oh yeah those baby bastards. It's been awhile since I've had a proper conversation with them."
"Sad to admit it but same here. I was hoping this trip would make up for the lost time ya know?"
"Definitely. I'll leave that complicated shit to you, like inviting them. But uh where are we going camping? Are we staying in the city or what?"
"We'll be going to Denver, Colorado!" Tampa shouted excitedly from the other line.
I quickly pulled the phone away to avoid her bursting my ear.
After a few seconds I put the phone back to my ear.
"First of all, ow. Secondly, that's oddly specific but whatever."
"Whoop!! Camping trip!!"

Let's just use Wattpad magic to timeskip to the last day of school just for convenience.

I drummed my fingers against the desk as I watched Mr.Phillip give his end of the year lecture.
I loved the man. Truly I did,however, his lectures are always so boring!

I took my eyes off of Mr.Phillips and stared out the window that showed the front of the school.
My mind started drifting off to other things like the camping trip.

I can't wait to see Conan and Evan again. It's been like what? 2 years since we've last talked face to face? Eh I don't really know and I really don't want to try and figure it out.
Wait a goddamn minute.. why are we even going to Denver,Colorado??? I'll have to ask Tampa when I see her again.
Aren't we leaving today? Perhaps. Thank God my mom said I could go or else I would've had a BF (bitch fit).
I wonder what kind of-
The sound of papers being crumpled into backbacks and students murmuring to themselves brought me back from my thoughts.
Everyone stared up at the clock at the edge of their seats.

Mr.Phillips seemed to realize that no one was listening to him anymore as he just stopped talking and sighed. He stood up and walked over to the door, his hand hovered over the handle.

"Well I guess this concludes yous guys year as 11th graders. I hope yous stay safe this summer and don't do anything stupid." Mr.Phillips grabbed the handle as he finished speaking.

The bell rung and Mr.Phillips quickly opened the door for the students rushing out.
"I hope to see you guys next year!" He called out to the mob of students that just ran from his room.
Tampa and I gave each other sly smiles as we stalked up to the unsuspecting Mr.Phillips.

"It's finally summer! Say what will you be doing, Mr.Phillips?"
My question seemed to startle as he slowly turned to face Tampa and I.
"I bet you have so many fun plans!" Tampa added in.

Mr.Phillips seemed to think for a second before answering. "Well I'm going on vacation to a beach with my family," before Tampa or I could say anything he quickly added in. "Didn't you guys say something about going camping?"

Tampa started bouncing up and down. "We are! How fun is that?"

Mr.Phillips crossed his arms and leaned against his desk and nodded. "Seems very fun. If you don't mind me asking but where are you guys going camping?"

My ears perked at this question. "Oh?Are you worried for us?"

Mr.Phillips looked over at me with a look of concern. "Yes I actually am. The uh... forests! The forests here in Texas have some pretty dangerous creatures that can easily kill you. Like the diamond back rattlesnake for example."

{The Post it Note Bandit} Creepypasta X Reader  Where stories live. Discover now