Ch.6 Two New Strangers and a Beat Up Wall-E

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Jaja Ding Dong is my shit anyone who says else wise will get a pendulum up the ass cheeks. Also I find such good songssssss like shit my taste is so good I wanna cry every time I listen to my playlist. FYI about halfway through I started typing on my tablet and the damn fonts won't work wtfff. I'm well aware this chapter has no real new info about anything to the shitty plot and for that I don't apologize cause the plot will make it's way someday

Long story short: I almost got shot. 

Good news? I got the doggy.
Bad news: I actually did get shot but who cares, right?
I certainly did care when I was being chased out of the dead end town with canons while carrying a big ass husky puppy in my spaghetti noodle arms.

(Back to first person mode shall we?)
My lungs were on fire as I heaved out heavy, ragged breaths. This what I get for cheating on those miles in school huh.
I heard another pew  of a canon wizz close by my head.

"Shiii-" I cursed out loud.

Another problem started coming to mind as I started to see those little black dots dancing across my vision.

"Oh yeah I was shot!" I had completely forgotten, as one does when being chased by canon balls.

I tried to keep running through the forest as my vision became more blurry. It was the root I tripped on that did me in however. I went tumbling forward and the puppy dog I was holding went flying out of my arms in slow motion.
I landed on the very rocky part of the forest floor and let out a weak groan. The husky dog landed a few feet in front of me and I tried to reach out to him but I was seeing less and less by the seconds. I dropped my head on the ground and stared at what I could only assume was a blurry ass tree.

Wait.... Did I escape from Jeff? In my last moments of heroic stupidity I was able to get away?
As those cliche little black dots came back and ,more aggressive than ever, danced about my eye sight I could faintly hear the crunching of rocks from behind. Overwhelmed by the pounding of my head and current wackass eyesight, I stayed down.
Before I was completely out, a ugly ass black shoe stepped in front of my face, granted my eyesight is still terrible at the moment but I could just smell the ugliness of it.

And with that I was gone,faded, fucking astral projecting into sleep if I may.


Beep. Beep . Beep.
I awoke pissed as ever. Imagine trying to sleep and hearing an annoying ass beep ever few seconds like God damn. Rude ass hoebag.
Where was I again?
I pried my tired eyes open with some random crowbar I found. My eyes now wide open, I glanced around to see a very boring ass room with the personality of that Jesus bread they give you at church.
I threw my head to the side to see the mother to those horrendous beeps. The mother's stinger was tapped tight to my arm and I could only lazily stare at it because pulling a crowbar out of my ass is nothing but getting a needle out of my arm is just too much.
The wooden door slowly creaked open and a white painted face peaked in.
Wait nope that's just a mask.

The figure made their way in and when they noticed I was staring they seemed startled. They hurried in and over to my side, quickly grabbing the crowbar from my hands.
Now that I can actually see the guy he seems rather normal, besides the mask of course. With a mop of brown hair on their head and a simple zip up yellow jacket on and blue jeans, their whole outfit seems so in place and the mask just... Really out of place.
".. how'd she even get a crowbar?..." He muttered under his breath.
A dude perhaps? Either way his deeper toned voice fits in as well, so all I'm asking is why the mask???

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