My new pokemon

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As I woke up I got ready in my dirty room that I haven't cleaned for weeks. It really doesn't matter anyway since this is the day I'm going to get my first Pokemon with red and blue. Red is really quiet and doesn't talk that much. I have know him ever since I was five when I moved to pallet town. Blue is very cocky and can sometimes be annoying, but no the less he is still my best friend along with Red. The thing is I kind of like blue he is really cute even though he can be rude at times I can't help falling for him.
I walk downstairs and run out the front door to meet Red and Blue.
"What took you so long Green." Blue asked
"Sorry I woke up late." I replied
"Tsk,Typical" he said
That's what I mean by rude, but I can't help to love him.
We all walk into the professor lab when we see the professor working when he sees us and stops to greet us.
"Well, I guess today is the day you get your Pokemon, am I correct."
Blue replied "ya ya, Gramps lets see the Pokemon so I can begin my adventure."
"Well I will go get them." he stated
We all waited for him and seconds later he came back with three pokeballs on a cart. he opened all three to reveal Bulbasaur, Squrtile, and Charmander. the all looked so cute I couldn't contain myself.
Prof.Oak then said "Green since you are the only lady here you will have the honors."
"Really Gramps I thought it was Family first."
"Be quiet Blue and let Green pick."
I looked at all of them they were all so cute.
•Charmander was very energetic/joyful
•Squrtile was very jealous of his fire pal
•Bulbasaur looked lazy and like he had no care in the world.
"Prof.Oak I want to chose Bulbasaur" I said. His ears perked up surprised that he was the first one to be picked considering his laid back attitude. She took his pokeball and put it on her belt while Bulbasaur jumped down from the cart and lays on her feet snuggling with them. soon she started petting him admiring her new partner.
Next Prof.Oak says "Red your next."
When suddenly Blue replied "Come on Granps this isn't fair." Prof.Oak just rolled his eyes at his grandson. Red then chose Charmader the energetic Pokemon of the three. which surprised everyone. Then Blue got Squrtile and said "Me and Squrtile can beat all of you."
Blue then ran out of the Professors lab. I was going to chase after him when suddenly Prof.Oak said to me and Red
"Can you and Green go get a package in Vridian cities pokemart for me please?"
Red just shook his head and I not going to reject. We walk out of the lab to be greeted by Blue.
"Red I want to battle you know." Blue said
"Ok" Red replied.
They both brought out their pokemon. Blue gave the first move and ordered
"Squrtile use tackle"
Red then ordered Charmader to dodge and scratch. this went on till Red won when he scratched him for the 10th time.
Blue returned Squrtile and said " I'm going to the lab to get my Pokemon healed."
Then I blurted out to Blue "Wait can I go with you on your journey together?"
He then replied "Why would I want a weakling like you on my journey you just be an annoyance to me." he then just left to the Professors lab.
My legs then just collapsed I couldn't fell anything my heart just broke. then Red picked me up bridal style. He then brought me to his house and we went up to his room. and he sat down on his bed with me siting on his lap. I then started crying the cuddling into his chest while crying.
He then said "Green you can come with me on my Journey if you want."
We both got changed into our sleeping outfits. Red slept on the floor in sweatpants and a T-shirt and I slept in a tank-top and short-shorts.
"Red" I said
"Yes." he replied
"You can sleep up here ok."
Then Red got up while I moved over.
"Don't get any funny ideas Red" I stated. he shook his head yes and lauded down. I was thinking about today and what happened I just got real sad and started crying again. I think Red heard because he turned over to look at me. I moved and cuddled with him.
I said "Red please don't let me go."
He then held me tighter and said " I will never let you go green."

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