So it begins

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My eyes opened widely to see me cuddling next to Red. then I remember what happened between me and Blue. A huge headache came on and I hugged Red tighter waking him up. His eyes opened wide to see me next to him
Sqessing him. Red looked at his watch and said "it is 8:30 let's go get that package for the professor and we can start our adventure."
We got up and we got dressed in different rooms. then we headed on route one. As we were walking we let our Pokemon walk free as we went down the route. we saw pidgeys and rattatas along the way it was like a 20 minute walk to Virdian city. as we were walking a rattata ran at me a scared me Bulbasaur told it to go away and it nicely walked away. but it seemed the whole time Red holding on me almost like showing people I'm his. We walked through the rest of the route, but towards the end I snaked my hand in his and we walked down the route together.
----------------------------------------------We got to the pokemart then Red got the packages while I looked at the items. Red then went behind me and grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind it felt nice to have someone to look after me. I could feel him hugging me It made me feel so secure, but I couldn't help but feel like I am being watched.

Blues p.o.v.

I woke up in the poke center. gramps says he needs me back at the lab later today so i am going to do some training today.
It is 11:30 and I just got my Pokemon healed and now I am going to the poke mart before I go to the lab. As I was walking their I look in the window and I see Green in the store looking at stuff. she is so dumb for thinking she a challenge for me. Then Red goes behind her a Hugs her and she enjoys it. She to weak to challenge me how is she going to protect herself that is why I need to do and do you think Red can protect her don't make me laugh.

Greens p.o.v.

We went back to the lab and we got a pokedex it is like a Pokemon encyclopedia. I saw Blue their and I sucked it up even though my heart still ached for him. Me and Red walked hand and hand back to the poke center in Viridian city. He got a room for both of us we got ready for bed when Reds pokenav rang then he said he had to go. I thought it was weird, but I ignored it.

Reds p.o.v. (Pg-13)

I got a text from Blue to meet him In the poke center room 5 I opened the door and I get pushed in the door shuts and locks so I couldn't get out. I look around and see a girl in her bra and panties and she walks up to me and starts to kiss all over my body. then she pushes me on the bed and starts to kiss me I don't kiss her back....... at first.

Blues p.o.v.

I shut and lock the door that red just went in now. I go and knock on Greens door and she answers in an almost sacred tone I wonder why.
i ask "have you seen red"
She just answers " he suddenly just ran out I don't know where he is."
"Green" I said "come on a walk with me."
I take her hand and we walk down the hallway and I say "can I get something from my room real quick"
I open the door and pull her in with me just everything is going as planed.

Greens p.o.v.

Blue pulls me into his room and I see is some girl in her bra and panties on Red kissing and Red is kissing back. Red sees me and pushes that hoe of him and starts rambling about it is not what it seems and I just run pack my stuff up in my back-pack and dash out the front door and I stand infront of the gym.

Red p.o.v.

I ruined everything what am I going to do she was everything to me.

Blues p.o.v.

I give her 50 poke dollars and say thank you to our terrific actress who turned Green against Red. Bravo! Great Performance! now to find Green.

Green p.o.v.

I heard rustling in the grass while I was crying and Blue came out
I said "what do you want?"
He just replied with open-arms "to comfort you."
Then in just ran into his arm and cried
Out of nowhere he said "know what will make you feel better"
"What" I said
"Piggy-back ride back to the poke-center."
I just then got on his back and her carried me all the way back to the poke-center.
"I don't have anywhere to sleep though"
"You can sleep with me" blue replied
"But that is where red..."
I was cut off by him saying ill will get a new room.
Nurse joy said all the rooms left only had one bed and I told Blue that was fine. right now I am in the bathroom changing into a pair of shorty shorts and a tank-top. Once I came out I could see Blues eyes looking at me the whole time. Then Blue went to go change he came out shirtless and with basketball shorts on. never mind what I said before I couldn't stop watching him. he had a six pack and everything. he was hot. I look up and our eyes meet...NO.
Blue turned of music on his pokenav. he then taught me classically how to dance. we danced until the song ended then Blue kissed me on the lips it was my first diss ever. it was amazing.
He then frowned and said " you didn't like it did you" I then kissed him back
"Actually the opposite." he then picked you up bridal style and laid you on the bed. He then laid down himself turning off the music. I then snuggled into his chest and said thank you for being my first kiss. I think blue was shocked I could see it in his eyes. he then said "well, for a newbie your a pretty good kisser." and kissed me on the lips and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Reds p.o.v.

I need to find a way to get her back I need her. I'll go to Blue in the morning and if I have to I'll take her

Green p.o.v.

I woke up in Blues arms it was around 6:00 a.m. And I was awake. I think Blue wanted to go to Pewter city today since the gym here is no ready for challengers yet. out of nowhere I here Blues pokenav ding signaling he got a text. I got up careful not to wake Blue. I looked at the message. I was from that hoe that was kissing Red and it said
(Was I a good actress the look on that bitches face when she found out he was cheating it was hilarious. I think my new specialty is breaking couples up😏)
So Blue set it up where Red would be framed, but Red liked it what am I going to do? They are both assholes.
I change clothes gathered my stuff and left for route 2 and the Virdian forest.

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