New Friend

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Blues p.o.v.

I wake up expecting Green next to me but no ones here and her stuff is gone.
My first thought Red I get ready and go over to Reds room. I bang on the door ready to go. he opened and as soon as he saw me he asked where is Green.
I replied "you know I should be asking you that."
He said " I was. Going to talk to her today but I know she was with you last night so."
I check my pokenav and I is all text from that striper that I hired.
I reply "I think she ran away."

Greens p.o.v.

I was walking through Viridian forest with Bulbasaur, but he was as scared as me. I see some berries and I tell Bulbasaur to vine whip them down, but Bulbasaur has no sense of direction and hits a beedrill hive and we both start to run. Suddenly a kid runs out with a pikachu a yells "thundershock" and scares all the beedrills away. I go up to her and say "thank You" she replied "no problem"
"My name is Green what is your?"
"Yellow" she replied.
"Well yellow how do we get out of this forest."
"Well green you go to the north, but first you seem trust worth and you are in debt to me for saving you life."
I rolled my eyes.
She said "you look like a trainer and trainers travel, so can I travel with you?"
I replied "sure I need some more company that are not guys."
"Why what happened" she asked
I told her the whole story "DDDDDDDAAAAAAANNNNNNNGGGGG" she said "that needs to be a new chick flick"
----------------------------------------------we were both talking when we heard fighting. I walk over with Yellow to see a bunch of caterpie bulling a weedle. I send out Bulbasaur and say
"Use vine whip on the caterpie," Bulbasaur does what I say and she caterpie crawl away. I go over and pick up the hurt weedle and Yellow says "That weedle was in their territory that is why they attack."
"We need to get to a pokemart." I say
Yellow replies "the nearest one is in pewter city". we both then dash off out of the forest.

Reds p.o.v.

Me and Blue decided to team up to find Green even though I hate him for what he did. we both dashed onto route 2 and quickly made it to Virdian forest. When we make about half way through the forest we see what looks like where a battle between Pokemon was held hopefully Green wasn't caught in it.

Greens p.o.v.

Me and Yellow dash into the poke center and start rambling to nurse joy. we both go in the room and watch over the weedle. about after an hour the weedle wakes up and wraps around my arm. Yellow then said "that is a sign of friendship you know." Then nurse joy came in and said the weedle can go. All three of us walk out and I say to weedle " you can go home know, bye."
I start to walk off with yellow, but it follows me. Then Yellow said "I think it wants to stay with you."
I turned to weedle "do you?" She nodded her head. I then got out a pokeball and captured her. I got two new friends. I turned back to Yellow and said "let's go to the pokemart before training some more and then challenge the gym tomorrow. we both headed to the pokemart.

Reds p.o.v.

We ran to the Pokemon center in pewter city and asked if she had seen a girl like Green today. she said yes and that she was going to doors training in Virdian forest before she challenged the gym tomorrow. Blue and I dashed back to the entrance of the forest and we both waited their.

Greens p.o.v.

We just left the pokemart and were headed back to the forest to train. When right when we get to the entrance I see blue and red.
Green: what do you want
Blue: we just want to talk
Red: ya just listen
Yellow: are these guys bothering you.
Green:no Yellow it's alright.

I just kept walking when blue stepped infront of me.
Blue:not until you listen
Green:I know the truth you hired a prostitute to make-out with red and red enjoyed it.

Red looked down in shame while blue looked down in anger. I walked around Blue and me and yellow kept walking.
Blue: you are an ungrateful slut. you played both me and red. once I told you off you went to red and tried to make me jealous. you are a bitch who deserves to die.
Red:stop it blue.

I then released Bulbasaur and weedle "weedle Poison sting" weedle shot it at blue and red. Then blue released Squrtile and Red had to release Charmader for self-defense. "Squrtile bubble" Blue said. then I said "bulbasaur vine whip and weedle poison sting."bulbasaur hit Squrtile so hard it knocked him out In one shot. then Blue let out Rattata. "Charmader ember twice." Charmader hit Bulbasaur knocking him out. all that was left was a weedle vs a rattata and Charmader.
Blue said "rattata quick attack" rattata bolted to words weedle. "Weedle use string shot and fling it at Charmader."
Weedle used string shot and caught rattata's leg a flung it at Charmader knocking rattata out. know it was me vs Red. "weedle poison sting" I commanded. "Charmander counter that with ember." he said. Charmader kept blasting weedle with ember. weedle look like he couldn't handle more until he started to glow. " he is evolving." Once the glowing stoped I said "Kakuna harden." now Charmanders hit won't affect a much. "now Kakuna poison sting" after Charmander was hit he fainted.
I looked at the and just said "pathetic"
And me and Yelliw walked into the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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