An untold story

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"The spring flower has bloomed,
Do you want the hand of a beauty?
Taste the wine
before the sunrise,
Let your heart carried by the wind,
by the end of the night.
Have a taste of everlasting beauty,
That lies in a everlasting love and some untold stories."

A bamboo hat wearer was pushed by a running man. He looked up but before he could glance who it was the man was gone. The passer by didn't seem like someone special. His clothes were wrinkled and his bamboo hat was broken in the side. He seemed someone who has traveled a lot, and will travel a lot more.

As the man with bamboo hat reached at the peak of mountain Tong Lu, he took a long deep breath. And then continued till he reached the destination.

As he entered into the cave, suddenly all the daylight from outside seemed to be a hallucination. It was even darker than night and more silent than the mountain itself.

"You've come ?" Hearing the voice the man with bamboo hat flinched silently. It was just instinct, it's not like this is his first time coming here.

He silently walked forward and suddenly he brought out a big piece of mantou from his sleeve and he extended his hand.

The man whose face couldn't be seen due to darkness was silent. He neither took the mantou, neither he refused.

In the pin drop silence of the cave a long and deep sigh could be heard. And after a while the candles lighten up. The darkness within the cave didn't disappear but at least the face of the man could be seen.

The sign of three extra faces was all gone now from his appearance. As if it was a dirt and was cleaned away. He no longer seemed to be the arrogant villain he once fought with. Neither he looked much disheveled. He still appeared like a heavenly emperor, who might be taking his vacation.

The handsome face of the man carrying the mantou was illuminated by the light as well. He appeared to be someone in his twenty, when in reality he was more than 800 years.

"Take this mantou. I made it. It turned out better than the others." His voice didn't sounded cold, neither it had any affection. Even if there was any, at least it wasn't displayed.

"Xian le, you know I don't need any food to eat. I can live without eating."

"It isn't a matter of hunger, it's a matter of food." This time his voice sounded soft and his tone was like begging the man to eat something. "I don't want you to forget the taste of the food. I don't want you to forget that there is a world outside. I want you to remember it and cherish it. I want you to be like ..." he took a sharp breath and finally said, "a normal human."

Once again silence hovered up on the cave. The man carrying the bamboo hat took off his bamboo hat and placed the mantou covered in a small paper in there. He placed the bamboo hat on the ground and finally turned around to take his leave.

There was no point of standing there anymore. They had so many words to say yet they had nothing to talk about.

"I don't miss the world." The silence was pierced by the word of the man sitting on the cave.

Xie Lian's body stiffened, and a unknown regret and sadness covered his heart but he didn't turn around, neither he walked away.

"I don't miss the sun, neither the moon, neither the bustling people. I don't miss watching the ocean or hearing the birds singing. Similarly , I don't miss the taste of food," his voice sounded a bit boring. As if those are some fact which he was just stating.

Xie Lian finally turned around ready to spat some harsh words but before he could speak another pile of words hit him directly into his heart. "But I miss you. I miss hearing you, watching you, admiring you. I miss you Xian le, and so I miss the food cooked by you as well. Although you visit the cave more than often I still miss you the most." Bai wuxiang suddenly extended his hand and grabbed the other's hand. Xie Lian stiffened slightly but didn't flinch neither he took his hand back.

The man gently pulled him and Xie Lian followed along and knelt in front of the man who was sitting there, looking at him ever so affectionately.

As there eyes met, it seemed like they were so far away from each other's grips. It's hard to reach. But not impossible.

Bai wuxiang gently hugged him and placed his hand on his waist. He sniffed Xie lian slightly and then put his head on his shoulder. "Your highness, I've missed you over and over. I've missed you so much. I wanted to see sunrise with you, sunset with you, moonlit night with you, and I wanted to hear bird singing along with your voice, and I..." his words came to a stop as the sound of sniffling reached his ears, "Xian le?"

Xie Lian was hugging his neck and he couldn't stop the sniffling. Tears streamed down to his cheeks and his voice was hoarse, "Let me go! Let go! Please."

Yet, he himself didn't let go and clutched onto him.

He gripped onto his robe and cried out. It was so painful, so painful to hold on. Yet there was nothing he could do.

"I'll take you from here. Come with me." Xie Lian pulled off from the hug and looked at the man. "I--" he chocked on his own tears but before he could wipe them a gentle hand wiped off his tears. "Xian le, oh my Xian le! When will you stop being kind? When will you stop hurting yourself? If it's painful then just let go."

The words were nothing but some comforting words yet hearing those Xie Lian looked up and as if he was raged he placed his hand harshly onto the man's cheeks and he measured every word before speaking up, "I. Can't. Let. Go." The words were heavy, very heavy, probably heavier than the entire mountain, it was heavy for his heart to take.

"Xian le," the words were untold as the soft touch of the lips melted together. The kiss was so gentle and so tender. A heart that waited for more than hundreds years, finally was filled with the love it cherished for so long.

"Let me take you out to the world, with me." Xie lian pulled off and gazed at the man.

"Xian le, you'll have to lift up the entire mountain tonglu, it's heavy. Don't do it. It's enough to see you like this and caress your cheeks like this, and gazing at your eyes like this. And..."

"I can do it. If you promise to hold onto me. I can do it. Please trust me." Xie lian begged him and clutched onto his hand.

And so he trusted.
The bright light was almost piercing through his eyes, so he shut them again. It was a dream then. He breathed slightly. But if he trust the other and believe them and put his faith on them, then dream may come true. A small smile appeared on his lips as he patted the figure's head lying beside him.

An Untold Story//Bailian//One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now