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Skipping to Rui's mountain arc!!!
Don't worry, I'm not letting him die his to precious in my eyes. 🥺🥺🥺
Play the video when I tell you.

                             [(Y/N)'s POV]

It's been a couple weeks since I met Tanjiro, and I hope he's still well. Oto-San never asked about the mission either, so I'm guessing he knew that the two demons Failed.

Since Rui is a lower moon, Oto-San sent him to live by himself in One of the mountains. But me and (B/n)-nii wasn't so sure, so we told Oto-San that we'll visit Rui once in a while or even stay a few nights, Oto-San agreed.

When me and (B/n)-nii came to visit him for the first time in the mountain, we saw a family of the same type of demon as Rui. There was a tall woman who looked to be the 'mother', there was a 'younger sister', the 'older brother' had a body of a spider well he had a normal head.

"Who are you?" Asked the mother spider.
"We are here for Rui, can we see him?" (B/n)-nii asked crossing his arms.
"S-sure, I'll t-tell him." The 'mother' stuttered out as she went inside the house to go get Rui.
About a minute later 'mother' came out with Rui behind her.
"What is it-oh. (B/n)-nii, (Y/N)-Nee." Rui said surprised.

-scene switch-
Still (Y/N)'s POV

We were now inside the house, me , (B/n)-nii and Rui we're standing in front of the rest of the family.
"These are my real siblings, this is (B/n)-nii and (Y/N)-nee. They have power over this household just as I do, but they we'll be older then all siblings. But you will address them by their roles." Rui finished as rest of the family nods there heads.

-time skip-

We told Rui that we'll be staying the night, so he let us sleep in his room for today. It was middle of the night I was fast asleep until Rui came into my room crying. I fluttered my eyes open enough to see clearly, Rui ran into my arms and hugged me tightly.
"Rui? What's wrong?" I asked wrapping my arms around his small figure trying to comfort him.
"O-onee-s-san, I-I *hiccup* had-d a nightm-mare *hiccup*. Rui sobbed into my kimono.
"Shh, it's ok I'm here. You wanna talk about it?" I said letting him lean his head on my chest.
"I-I had a nightmare w-where you and (B/n)-nii were killed by t-the slayers *sob*." Rui sobbed even more into my kimono.
"Shh, that will never happen I'm here aren't I? It's ok Rui, we'll be with you always even if it's in hell." I said comforting him.

After awhile , Rui finally calmed down. He was now curled up against me in my futon. But he can't sleep since he's worried about me.
"Rui how about I sing you a lullaby?"
"What's that?"
"It's like a song that you sing to someone to get them to sleep."
"Oh ok then."

(Play video)

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows~

Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain
And the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions~

Hush now dear children
It must be this way
Too weary of life
And deceptions
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet~

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