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            THE NEXT DAY, Uzume hardly got any rest. While Toph was refreshed and bouncing off the walls, Uzume sulked the entire time they waited for Sokka to get up.

             The group was walking in town, Katara and Hama ahead of them when they overheard a merchant and a customer speaking about delivery boys being lost in the woods.

             "People disappearing in the woods, weird stuff during full moons... this just reeks of spirit world shenanigans." Sokka turned to Aang who nodded his head.

           "I bet if we take a little walk around town, we'll find out what these people did to the environment to make the spirits mad."

         "And then you can sew up this little mystery, lickety-split, Avatar-style."

         "Helping people...that's what I do." Aang smiled and put his hands on his hips. Hama stopped ahead of them and turned to Katara, "Why don't you all take those things back to the inn? I just have to run a couple more errands. I'll be back in a little while."

          Sokka got into Hama's face, "This is a mysterious little town you have here." Uzume rolled her eyes at Sokka's accusatory tone.

      Hama smiled at Sokka unbothered, "Mysterious town for mysterious children."

        The group walked back to the inn and were now in the kitchen, putting away the food.

           "That Hama seems a little strange. Like she knows something, or she's hiding something." Sokka said, leaning on the table instead of helping the kids put stuff away.

          Katara crossed her arms, "That's ridiculous. She's a nice woman who took us in and gave us a place to stay. She kind of reminds me of Gran-Gran."

          Sokka furrowed his eyebrows, "But what did she mean by that comment, "mysterious children"?"

         Uzume turned to the boy, frustrated that he wasn't helping them, "Gee, I don't know. Maybe because she found four strange kids, camping in the woods at night? Isn't that a little mysterious?"

           Sokka shook his head, "I'm gonna take a look around." He walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, Katara, Aang, and Toph following. Uzume looked at the group, shocked, holding a basket of apples in her hands.

        "Guys, really?" She groaned and set down the apples, following the group.

         "Sokka! Sokka, what are you doing? You can't just snoop around someone's house."

         "It'll be fine." Sokka shrugged off Katara's concerns.

       "She could be home any minute." Aang reasoned while Sokka snooped through rooms.

        "Sokka, you're gonna get us all in trouble, and this is just plain rude."

        Sokka stopped in front of a cabinet in the wall and tried to open it.

          "I'm not finished yet." Sokka grunted as he tried to pull open the cabinet. Uzume sighed and shoved him aside. She grabbed the handle with one hand and yanked at the cabinet, several puppets falling out.

        They, minus Toph who can't see, jumped back in fright.

       "Ok, that's pretty creepy."

        Katara closed the door, "So... she's got a hobby. There's nothing weird about that. Sokka, you've looked enough. Hama will be back soon." She tried to reason with her friends. Sokka ignored her and continued towards the attic. He tries to open the door but it's locked.

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