Chapter 8:have a slice of victory?

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Poland:hello USA!

USA:sup!*walks by them*

Norway talking to Sweden:Hey,do you know who are those guys?!

Sweden:idk?!They are just boy dorks again...

Norway:I know right,Why are they here...

Sweden:yeh...-wait!I have an idea!

Sweden whispers to Norway*

Norway:haha!Great idea!

Norway and Sweden:*walks up to Poland,USA and czech*Hey boys,wanna be at our party in our house?

Poland:sure-*USA covers his mouth and whispers him about the plan*

Poland:*whispers to Czech*

Poland,Czech and USA:well,no thank you

Norway:well why not?

Poland:*USA pushes him infront of the popular girls*Well-uhh..we are busy night!Yeh,me and the boys are gonna be eating pizza,at t-the pizza place,hm~yeh!


Poland:yes!we did it!*highfives his freinds*

Popular girls:???

Poland:i mean--yes,were gonna eat at the pizza place--yeh!*sweats intensly*

Popular girls:ughh...

After school...

USA:hey,shall we celebrate at the Pizza place with the cool kids?

Czech:hmm...idk...should we?


*does their spy moves*

Czech:haha!Poland your are funny!


USA:cmon,guys lets go to the pizza place already,the whole cool kids are waiting for us!

*everyone walks to the pizza place*

*opens door*

*all the cool kids at the chairs saying hi to them*

Australia:hey mate,whos coming with ya?

USA:im bringing the jocks with me

Canada:guys,we have jocks!

UK:*opens whiskey*


New Zealand:hello!

Canada:everyone lets seat!And take pictures

*everyone sits together and takes a picture*

UK:im gonna order the pizza*orders pizza*

UK:*puts pizza at the table*

Czech:mmm...the smell is good

*everyone eats*

Poland:best day ever!

Cananda:Happy pizza night!*takes selfie with everyone*

Everyone:happy pizza night!

Poland's brain: never experienced something in my life!!!

*everyone eats and talks*

Few hours later...

USA:ok guys,were gonna leave,bye,Poland and Czech!*all the cool kids went to their black van*

Poland and Czech:*waves*

Poland:lets walk home


*both of them walks home*



*walks home*

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