The Guy with the Boar Mask

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Tanjiro then took the thing to get the sample

But a cat came

"A cat?"

"Oh right your the one who's going to take this to miss Tamako " Tanjiro said looking at the cat putting the object inside the little bag the cat was carrying

"There you go your now all set , good kitty"
The cat then meowed making itself disappear


"Those kids you have to find them Ami, let's go"

"Right"I said nodding following tanjiro

"Kioshi, Tereko are you here" Tanjiro yelled

"Answer us "

We then stopped in front of a door Tanjiro the opened it ending up being hit by a book  making me giggle a bit

We then stopped in front of a door Tanjiro the opened it ending up being hit by a book  making me giggle a bit

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"Sorry Tanjiro"

"Why are the two of you trowing stuff at me "

"Were sorry the drum we were using disappeared"

"I see well at least you two are safe"

after Tanjiro said that Tereko started to cry making me and Tanjiro to approach them both

"You did a great job hanging in there" I said patting her head "you too Kioshi"

"Come one now let's go outside" I said standing up

"Kioshi hop on" Tanjiro said offering Kioshi a piggy back ride

"Tereko"I said putting my hand out a little so that she can hold it Tereko then gladly accepted

"Kioshi how's your leg feeling"Tanjiro asked

"Not too bad"

"Just hold on ok"


"I'm picking up Zenitsu and Shoichi scent, there probably outside"

Good thing there safe

I then sigh

"What's the problem miss Ami" Tereko asked

"Eh it's nothing just well a good thing that my brother safe hehehe, his quite a handful sometimes" I said putting my other hand on the back of my head

"Your a good little sister huh Ami" Tanjiro said looking back to look at me making me fluster a bit

"We-well of course his m-my big brother after all"

Tanjiro then stopped

"What's the matter Tanjiro"

"It's nothing but we should hurry"

Zenitsu's Sister (Ami x Tanjiro) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now