Wisteria family crest

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"Come on and Fight me you two" Inoske pointed at me and Tanjiro

"We said no " me and Tanjiro answered back

"And we have a name you know I'm Tanjiro Kamado and this is Ami Agatsuma

"Alright Conpachiro Kamaboko and Ani Agatsira I'm gonna bring you two down

"Who are you talking about"

"The both of you of course"



After following the crow  we ended up to a mansion with an wisteria family crest

"A Westeria Family crest"

"Kaw its time to rest , it's time to rest you all have a thought day rest up now"

"But are you sure it's ok? Now that you mention it we've been fighting with injuries this whole time " Tanjiro asked

"Kaw Kew kaw kaw"

"I that a laugh or-

"Let's eat this things"

"NO" I shouted at Inosuke's statement

The Giant Door then open revealing an old lady"


"Oh sorry to bother you this late at night ma'am"

"Ahhh a ghost"

"Keep quiet" I said

"And who the hell are you " Inoske said pointing at the old lady

"I see so you're all demon slayers"

"We are what's it to ya" Inosuke snickered


"Please come in"the old lady said opening the door

We then walked inside following the old lady

"That old lady sure walks fast"



"This is were you all be staying " here's a change of clothes" the old lady said giving Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inoske a pair of clothes

"Ah ma'am where's mine " I asked not seeing a 4th pair of clothes

"Here's yours young lady this is a special one" the old lady said

"Thank you very much ma'am " I said going to a different room to change my clothes

"Wow this fits really well for me"

" young lady are you done "

"Oh yes sorry for talking time" I said closing the door behind me

"It's ok your meal is ready the others are waiting for you"

"Oh ok"

I then open the room the other were in

"Oh Ami  let's eat"



*Inoske loud crewing noises*

"Use your copsticks"

"Ahhh if your hungry Inosuke here you can  have mine"Tanjiro said giving is bowl of food

"Hah ╬"

"Here take it"

"No I refuse (ノ`Д´╬)

Zenitsu's Sister (Ami x Tanjiro) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now