Ch. 22

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I held onto Katsuki's hand, wanting to feel his warmth that soothed me whenever I was anxious. I was able to maintain my breathing again and picked up my tote bag that fell on the floor. I reached into it and grabbed the new medicine that Kairi made for me.

"Are you feeling better now, Y/n?" Katsuki got his bag and reached his water bottle out for me. I drank the pill and slightly nodded at him. "Thank you for defending me, Katsuki-kun."

"Tch. I had a feeling those shitty extras were gonna ask you a stupid question. I should've blasted off Sero's head instead!" He looked at the door and scowled his face at it. I giggled at his reaction. Katsuki picked up my scarf from the floor when Ojisan took it off of me.

"Do you want them to come back in or do you want them to stay the fuck away like I do?" Katsuki wrapped the scarf around my neck for me and tried to fix my hair.

"Let them come back in." His hand was in my hair and looked at me with concern. I nodded at him and Katsuki made his way over to the door, slamming it open. He stomped out into the hallway to scream at them.

"If you fucking extras try something one more time, I will blast the whole fucking room!" The class came back in and sat down in their seats. Ojisan and Katsuki were by my side, but Katsuki stepped more towards in front of me. Iida stood up from his seat and saluted at us.

"L/n-san! On behalf of this class, I sincerely apologize for our actions towards you! Please accept our apology!" I peeked out Katsuki's side and looked at all of them. They started standing up, little by little.

"L/n-chan, we are so sorry for making you feel that way. Bakugou was right, we should've known you wouldn't hurt us like that. We're your friends!" Uraraka looked into my eyes with guilt. She looks like she's about to cry. Everyone else joined in on apologizing, which I couldn't clearly hear out since everyone was talking at once.

"You guys can personally apologize to L/n on your time. I doubt she even understood a single word that was being said just now. Everyone, sit down. I have an announcement to make." Katsuki and I walked back to our seats and I looked back at Ojisan.

"We will be having a UA Sports Festival this Friday, which gives you guys 4 days to train your hardest. Your work study will be given to you to choose from as Pro-heroes will be scouting."

"Is it okay for us to continue school activities, even though villains invaded?" Yaoyorozu raised her hand to asked.

"The school decided to carry on as we doubt they would make an attack at a place where thousands of Pro-heroes are. We have increased the security and will be keeping an eye out on all of you. Of course, L/n won't be participating as she is still recovering her body from last time." I nodded at Ojisan as I told him yesterday that I didn't want to participate in the sports festival. It would just bring more attention on me and B/N was able to write me a doctor's note.

"For the rest of this week, class will purely be training days so do your best. Head out to the fields and do whatever you want. Be careful of the snow, you are dismissed." The class went to the locker rooms to change and head out.

I sat on a nearby bench, watching Katsuki shooting out explosives towards a mountain size boulder. I was playing with the snow with my quirk, lifting my hand up and down to make shapes in the snow.

"Shitty girl. Why don't you want to do the sports festival. I know you got a way out of it!" Katsuki sat down next to me, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

"My body is still recovering from the exhaustion I had!" I kicked around the snow, but saw Todoroki heading towards us. "Tch, what does half and half looking ass want this time." Katsuki mumbled out. I playfully elbowed him on the side.

"Sorry, L/n-san. Is it okay if you could use hot water on me again?" I saw his arms slightly frosted and nodded. "Bakugou-kun, can you move over for him?" Katsuki annoying sighed and stood up to train again. Todoroki sat next to me. I gathered snow around my hands, making it turn into water and increasing the temperature.

"Todoroki-san, does your ice get colder because of the snow?" I asked him while melting off the frost on his forearm.

"Yeah, and the frost builds up quicker than usual too." He stared into my glowing eyes, but I didn't seem to notice since I was concentrating on removing frost build up. I stood up to go to his right side, slightly leaning downwards. My necklace was slightly dangling as some of my scarf moved.

"That's a beautiful necklace, L/n-san. The small diamond of it matches your eyes too." I was done melting off the frost and grabbed my necklace that B/N gave to me.

"Thank you. You can train now, I got rid of the frost on your arms-" Todoroki stood up and got closer to me. He reached out his hand towards my left cheek, assuming that he was going to touch my scar. My eyes widen and took a few steps back from him.

"S-sorry, L/n-san. I didn't mean to-" I turned around to Katsuki, who was busy exploding off the boulder still. "It's okay, a lot of people do that out of habit." I headed towards Katsuki's direction, wanting to run away from any further questions about my scar. I stopped when a Todoroki grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to his chest. I stared in surprise at it, not wanting to look up.

"What is it about Bakugou that has all your attention on him and no one else?"

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