🌌 Chapter 3 🌌

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"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?" A red haired boy said as whispers flew around the room, each from an excited male. Seven groups stood together, five in front of one male while one was looking at a floating tablet while another looked around nervously. "Listen up new students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head."

A yawn broke out of a taller male, lion ears twitching on top of his head. He stood in front of more animal eared males. "Ugh, this stuffy ceremony is finally over. We're going to the dorms, Savanaclaws, follow me."

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy!" A male with silver hair said, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Enjoy you're life here to the fullest!"

"As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle, I will support you to the best of my ability!"

"By the way, where did the headmaster go?" Another asked, lilac eyes gazing around the room. His hands quickly fixing his hair from under the hood, grumbling about the hood potentially ruining it. "He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..."

"Abandoning his post..." A voice muttered, coming from the floating tablet.

"Did he get a stomachache or something?" Another suggested, looking around. He was the most excited of the ceremony.

"Of course not!" The doors to the room opened, revealing two figures. One was Crowley, carrying Grim. The other was the girl, nervously looking around to see everyone staring at them.

"Ah, he's here."

"I cannot believe you all! We were missing one new student, so I had to go find him!" Crowley exclaimed, he then addressed the girl. "You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the tanuki, step forward towards the Dark Mirror."

The girl nodded, still not understanding what was going on. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to be back home. She wanted to be in her normal outfit, not some fancy ceremony robes. As she stepped up to the mirror, she felt a strange sense of nostalgia hit her. The mirror looked strangely familiar to her, even the blank face that appeared in it seem to have a strange hold in her mind.

"State thy name."

It spoke, its voice very deep. Deep enough to surprise the girl, who gasped quietly as the voice boomed.

"(Y-(Y/n) (L/n)..." She said, cursing herself for stuttering once again. She could barely see green flames burn behind the face, bringing more nostalgia to the girl.

"(Y/n) (L/n)..."

"The shape of thy's soul is..."

Everyone watched with bated breath, curious as to where this nervous person would be assigned to.

"I do not know."

"Come again?" Crowley asked, taking a step to stand next to the girl. His eyes narrowed.

"I sense not a spark of magic from this one..."

"The shape, the color...there is no magic entwined within."

The girl could feel the mirror stare into her soul, vacant eyes almost telling her there's more than what its saying. Something wasn't right.

"Therefore, they are suited for no dormitory!"

Whispers filled the room, bringing an unknown shame into the girl. She knew they were now judging her on something she didn't understand.

"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never meet someone who can't use magic!" Crowley exclaimed, shock evident in his voice. "In a hundred years there has never been a mistake in the student selection!"

"Well is clearly has...two mistakes in fact." The girl muttered to herself, but Crowley's ears picked it up.

"Two mistakes you say?!" The girl's eyes widened in fear as the man yelled.

"A-ah! What I mean is..." She started, growing anxious under the heated glare. "Crowley Sir, is this an all boy's school?"

"Hmm? Why yes it is."

"Well then that's another mistake...I'm a girl." She explained, rubbing her arm to calm herself down. "So adding that, there's two mistakes..."

"A girl?!" Crowley screamed, shock flowing through the man and the student body. Whispers rose into exclaims of shock. "Why in the world..."

"Mmmph!" Grim managed to release himself from Crowley's grip. "Then I'll take her place!"

"Stop right there, tanuki!" The man shouted, seeing Grim run towards the girl.

"Unlike that dumb girl, I can use magic! Let me in instead!" He smirked, smoke flowing out of his mouth. "If you need proof, I'll show you right now!"

"Everyone get down!" (Y/n) yelled, knowing what the grey creature was planning on. "Get out of the room! He's gonna set the place on fire!"

"Ah! Hot, hot!! My butt's on fire!"

"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire!" Crowley cried. "Somebody catch that tanuki!"

"Tch, what a bunch of jokers." The lion man scoffed, unfazed by the fire surrounding him.

"Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting?" The male with lilac eyes asked, a playful smirk on his lips. "Doesn't it look like a nice and plumpy snack?"

"Why me? Do it yourself, sissy."


"Headmaster Crowley, allow me to handle it." The silver haired man said, pushing his glasses up again. "I'm sure the others can't stomach the thought of harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself."

"That's Azul for you, always trying to earn himself points." The tablet said mockingly.

"Can someone help me?! My butt is still on fire!" The burning male yelled.

"Are you all even listening?!" Crowley exclaimed.

"Ah here, let me help." (Y/n) said, quickly looking on her person to see if she had something to put out the flames. She quickly realized the hood of her robes can be detached, so she did that and used it to fan the flames out. "There we go."

"Whoo! You saved my butt Miss!" The male exclaimed, smiling in relief.

"I-it's no trouble, I know I would hate to lose my butt." She mumbled, feeling flush when the male laughed at her words.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" The lion man asked.

"I'm not a tanuki!" Grim screamed in anger. "I am the Great Grim! I will become the most powerful magician in the world!"

"It certainly has moxie." The silver hair male, now known as Azul, said. "Care to help me, Riddle?"

"I can't overlook those who break the rules." The shorter red head, now known as Riddle, replied. "Let's get this over with."

And so the chase begins.

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