🌌 Chapter 8 🌌

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Snores echoed in the tattered room, escaping from the snout of the little grey creature currently resting on the face of (Y/n). The girl grumbled, slowly gaining consciousness as she felt fur on her face.

"Stop poking me human." The cat-like creature muttered, still asleep as something poked his side. The girl would've responded with her own grumble, but her mouth was covered by the creature himself.

"Hehehe." A laugh broke out. "Don't you two have to get up early to clean the school?"

The girl's eyes widened, immediately sitting straight up. Grim fell from her face, landing in her lap.


"Hehehe!" The three ghosts laughed. "What a frighten look on your face."

"Wh-why are you still here?" The girl asked. "We kicked you out!"

"Eh? We were here first!" One chided.

"Yeah, so if you're gonna live here. You have to deal with our pranks!" Another said.

"Well...I guess that is fair." The girl mumbled. "You did live here before us. But no pranks! I don't think I can take another heart attack."

"Hehehe! No promises!" The girl huffed, not wanting to deal with the three at the moment.

"Whatever." She set Grim off her lap, who had been glaring at the ghosts the entire time, and stretched her arms. "Might as well see if there might be something in the kitchen."

She walked towards said destination, keeping in mind not to step on Grim as he walked in between her legs. As she reached the kitchen, she was surprised to be hit with a smell of food. She hesitantly opened the door, revealing a wide arrange of food spread out on the island.


"Ah that." The smallest spoke.

"We cooked this..."

"As an apology for last night."

"Apology?" She asked, taking a closer look at the food displayed before her.

"For handling you like that." The ghost explained. "We didn't realize you were a girl."

"We may be ghosts, but we're gentlemen first!"

"Well...thank you!" She exclaimed. "But how did you get all this?"

"Hehehe, there's an abandoned garden out the back door. Some chickens have decided to stay there, they let us take some eggs."

"Wow really? That's cool, at least I don't have to worry about food too much then." The girl muttered before digging into her breakfast. Grim followed suit, eating as much of the eggs as he could get his paws on. "It's really good!"

"Of course!" The smallest cheered. "I was an amazing cook back then! Why many restaurants used to beg for me to work for them!"

"That's so cool!" Soon the two finished eating. The girl went to grab the dishes but the ghosts were faster. "Oh! You don't-"

"It's alright!"

"This is our apology!"

"But I forgive you guys! At least let me help!"

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