☽ 𝟭𝟴 : 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲 ☾

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1:54 pm

"Where are we going now?" I quietly entreated after seeing him very calmly use his big hands to change the gear of the car and diligently drive like a pro, scrutinising the road ahead of us with cautious eyes to make sure everything was fine, and being a little tauter than normal.

He didn't answer to my question for a second, perhaps very busy about driving because we were at a tight spot on the road, as I just decided to watch him like a baby with adoration clearly plastered in my eyes, already really impressed with his skills in secretly being the best in driving a very expensive car that people gasped at in the streets and roads whenever we pass them, and the best thing was that they can't even see us because of the slightly tinted windows. It would occasionally make me let a small giggle escape my lips because of watching them look hilarious with their chicken faces.

"Where did you get this car?" I asked again after a few moments of silence of hearing his silent breathing, as I adjusted my backpack at the backseat after relieving my shoulders from the weight of the books inside it, before taking off my mask and cap to free my brown lock to breath and my nostrils to meet the air conditioning atmosphere, as he clicked his lips for a brief second and licked his lips irresistibly.

"The hotel," He replied curtly without anything else, making me gush really quick at the thought of Taj giving him this before slightly nodding in understanding, admiring the fresh smell of the new car mingled with his cologne in ecstasy, making that amalgam of scents to be a deadly combination for my nostrils as it was just pleasuring me way too much.

"We're going home." He finally announced clearly while stopping at a red stop light due to the traffic prevailing around us, making me frown a little after seeing the road we were going at, before turning back to him.

"We're going to the hotel?"

"No, we are going to your house, didn't you need some clothes?" He entreated with his deep voice after looking at me with those electric blue eyes for a moment; sending my heart places, making me suck in my lips and nod shyly in response, feeling a small blush adorn my pink cheeks before having a satisfied look on my face.

"But then why are we going from here? This is not the way to my complex..." I trailed off skeptically after finding it to be one of the golden parts of my city instead of the peaceful neighbourhood my home was situated in, making him hum softly in acknowledgement at my words before changing the gear again and accelerating profusely.

"We have somewhere else to be at first." He newly stated.

"Where though? Is there a meeting I don't know about?" I quickly panicked after looking at my hair to be all messy and ridiculously wavy than anticipated, not really good for a formal appearance in front of unknown people if I were to meet someone, and he huffed a small chuckle at my panic before shaking his head assuringly.

"Then where...oh...oh! Yay!" I squealed in profound content after clapping my hands happily with the best sight in the world, making Zalius snicker beside me as he saw me at complete ease, not at all regretting his decision after slowly driving this time until we reached our turn. My eyes immediately twinkled on its own without an explanation needed at the sight of pulling into a drive through, literally wanting to label Zalius as the best squishy bear in the whole world as he shamelessly surprised me with the sight of the bold letters of McDonald's shining brightly above us, making me giddy in my spot because there were no queues to wait at either, making my day even better.

My heart melted with the fact that he had known me not having my lunch at school, and to just see him bring me here while he could've been busy with the Royal stuff was so precious for some reason. I've never really had someone care this much for me before, mainly because my parents are too busy to even acknowledge the fact that sometimes I forget my lunch, or I don't tell Ren or else he will turn into a lecturing aunt. He's making me suffer with my feelings growing more and more in such less time with no mercy, and I can't help but feel a sense of pride wash over me after knowing that I only probably have the honour of getting to see him like this.

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