☽ 𝟱𝟬 : 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 ☾

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11:12 am

If there is anything that can go bad is by watching this 5 year old grandma actually almost give me an actual heart attack with her rambunctious nature of dangling right above there, as I wanted nothing more than to just faint on the spot after knowing that literally just a few rooms away consists of a person of Illusion. There's no way in hell that they can see a baby witch in their quarters, they will hurt her before hurting me. How the heck did she even get here in the first place?! Who in the right mind sent her here?! With followers of Illusion practically in every cell of the air?!

"What the heck are you doing here!?" I frantically whisper yelled to her with a panicking face, feeling like first of all, a person like her being a clear possibility as leverage or a liability to the plan because Illusion can easily hurt her, secondly, Bethany will kick my ass when I come back after finding out that her daughter is missing, as she jumped off the balcony above me with ease, and landed on a fan directly in front if my eyes.

"Geronimo!" She squealed playfully after giggling to herself like an absolute angel, actually freaking hanging from the fan like an absolute maniac who is definitely wanting a death wish because if she is getting a spanking from her mom, she'll get a damn spanking from me in the first place. I didn't know what to do or how to fucking help her get down, but with the word she just screeched like a bird, I witnessed her falling from the fan to make me catch her weight with a huge huff as if she weighed nothing, as I hugged her close to me in worry and she immediately hugged me back in response.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck!

She can't be here!

Out of all the things that could happen, this shit happens?!

Why in the world—if anyone sent her here instead of actually being logical by not sending A FREAKING BABY IN THE ENEMY'S CRIB I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE BETHANY DOES.


Oh wait, she'll kill me first before killing her daughter.

Okay so I'm technically getting killed by both her and Zalius.

Great, why not more death—actually no, don't jinx it you bitch. And oh my goodness I need to keep check off my words, I can't cuss in front of her.

"What are you doing here young lady!? You're not supposed to be here! Your mom is going to kill me and you know that!" I scolded at her softly without actually being harsh, even astonished with the fact that she recognised me after my wonderful disguise mainly because I think she can outsmart the powers of her mom, before she snickering into my neck and wrapped her arms around me like a baby, and I looked around frantically for witnessing any unwanted guests.

"I followed you here, it seemed like you were on a mission like Dora the explorer! I wanted to be your boots, you used to watch that with me in Taj." She chuckled cutely after clapping her hands, making me gulp the upcoming lump in my throat after seeing the sudden change of scenario clearly bestowed into my path, and I couldn't even be that mad on her for a long time, before I sighed at her expression.


Pure innocence.

There were many factors that were possibly endangering her, and there were a million theories in my head that were popping up one after the other after about having to lessen the damage. I couldn't possibly contact anyone outside these headquarters and even my phone is gone. She will be vulnerable to these people until tomorrow unless I can go to the control room and contact Starley, or even contact anyone for that matter. I knew the control room would be heavily guarded now with one of the boss lady coming in today, so I can't even plan Nala's possible escape.

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