Chapter 4: The Wait

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Five days. Five days and Emma still hadn't woken up yet. I'd only left her side once, and it was only because I'd been forced to. My uncle, Arthur, had made me leave her to shower and eat something. He along with Livvy tried to make me get up and eat along with the rest of my siblings in the dining hall everyday, but every time I refused. Ty of all people ended up being the one to bring me food twice a day. I'd always thought he had hated me, but Emma, amazing Emma, had told me long ago that he didn't hate me, that he did love me, but that it was hard for him to show it, that it was hard for him to express emotion to anyone besides Livvy, his twin. I'd never truly believed what she'd told me until now. He'd been so kind to me the past few days. Somedays he'd even stay for a while and talk with me, or just pull up a chair and wait alongside me.

Magnus had arrived the day after the attack. Arthur had said that it had taken quite the convincing for him to come here, something to do with his newly-wedded husband and adoptive child. He'd also said that he'd only come because of a close friend of his. He didn't say who, I assumed he didn't know, but I guessed that it might have had something to do with Clary Herondale. During the Dark War, Emma and she had developed a sort of connection, a bond. She was the only person I could think of that might have been able to convince the warlock to leave his family and come here, but of course I'd never ask.

He had tended immediately to Emma, and for that I was grateful. I only had a broken shoulder, with time it would heal. Emma however, well she wasn't as fortunate. She had several broken ribs, a shattered arm and wrist, and worst of all a demon poison running throughout her veins, and it was slowly killing her, all because I hadn't been able to help her. Without the help of Magnus Bane and his powers she might of already been dead, but thankfully she was beginning to heal. I could feel the pain that she was enduring, it hurt like hell, but I knew that the pain she felt was ten times worse. She hardly moved, and constantly broke out in sweats. I would hold cold cloths on her forehead, and give her sips of water every so often. I hardly slept and if I did I would stay right next to her with my head on my arms at the side of her bed.

"She's starting to regain her strength, and her pulse is slowly going back to normal. She should wake up soon, tomorrow afternoon at the latest," Magnus told me.

"What did it? What kind of demon did this to her? I-I didn't get a very a good look, i-it looked like a-a ravener, bu-but it was so dark a-and I couldn't tell," I stuttered.

"I'm not exactly sure what demon it was either, but I'll look into it along with Clary, Jace, and Alec, but if anyone knows what it is, it'll be Jace. I'll let you know as soon as I find out, but Julian?," he asked.

"Uhh, yes?," I replied questioningly.

"Keep an eye on her, she's stubborn and won't listen sometimes, she's gunna get herself into trouble, but I think you're gunna be the only one to ever end up swaying her decisions. I mean you are her parabatai after all."

"Of course I'll keep an eye on her, she's not just my parabatai, she's my best friend, I don't know what I'd do without her," I said.

He let out a small laugh and muttered something that I couldn't quite make out, but then he said, a little louder this time so I could hear.

"She's a young Clary Herondale, and believe me when I say that that girl was a major pain in my ass, as well as a lot of other people, but she's also brilliant and one of the best shadowhunters I've ever known in my lifetime," he then directed his gaze to Emma's pale body next to me,"she's going to do great things, you just have to make sure she lives long enough to do them."

He then gave me a quick smile, and with a flicker of his cat-like eyes he left.

I walked back over to the chair beside her and planted myself in it. She was so still, so lifeless and pale. I'd only ever known her to be lively and constantly moving, even when she was sitting down she would tap her foot or shake her leg. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I put my head in my hands and slowly the tears fell down my face. I didn't make any sounds, they just fell, and I couldn't stop.

I heard a faint rustle, and I looked up. Her eyes were open, and they were directed completely at me. She was awake!

I wiped my tears and breathed out all the air I didn't know I'd been holding in.

"Emma!," I cried. I leaned forward and took hold of her hand, and a new flood of tears fell down my face, but I didn't move to wipe them.. she was awake! Finally awake, but she looked so sad.

"What's wrong!? Is your pain too bad? Maybe Magnus is still here, I'll go get him, he'll help you, I promise!"

I stood and turned to walk off, but she was still holding onto my hand, she wasn't letting go, so I turned to face her, she was still looking right at me. Her eyes held mine firmly.

"Don't leave," she muttered. Her voice was hoarse and raspy, but she still looked right at me. Her eyes were pleading me to do as she said, so I sat back down and took her hand in both of mine. A whole new flood of tears streamed down my face, but I let them fall regardless.

"I'm not gunna leave you Emma, not ever."

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