Chapter 5- Fairytales Again

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Author's note:

Happy New Year! (Haha I'm late) Wishing you guys a terrific 2015~~

I don't exactly know how you guys like my story (really, is it okay or no way) I NEED TO KNOW GUYS I know, I write for self enjoyment BUT I also nidda know if I'm writing a crappy story.

Yeah so here goes.

Chapter 5:

I tapped my foot against the marble flooring of the shopping centre. I was already waiting outside the bookstore.

"Damnit, Kurt."

He's actually late for something he asked me out for. Pretty sure he'll never get a girlfriend.

Suddenly, from afar, I heard a crash and someone shouting, "Eh!" Then, came the guest of honour, apologising to the man he had bumped into with continuous 90 degrees bows before shifting towards me uneasily.

"Oh my goodness, Kurt Drakley! One day before you turn fifteen!" I laughed as I eyed his dishevelled hair and crumpled, slightly soiled, clothes.

He simply grinned, pulling on his shirt in an attempt to straighten it. "Shall we, Miss Green?" he stretched out a hand towards me, the other pinned behind him, as if he was asking for a dance like in fairytale balls. "As if, Mr Drakley," I stuck out my tongue and went on into the bookstore, grinning to myself.

"This way," he pointed to the kid's section. A blur of pink practically blinded me as we turned into a corner. The shelves were no taller than our shoulders and there were two little girls sitting side by side, their eyes seemed to be trailing each and every letter on the pink books that sat in their lap, fingers brushing across the pictures.

"First up," Kurt started, "Sleeping Beauty."

I groaned.

"The name itself sounds DREADFUL. What, she just sleeps and people start admiring her beauty? Like in a museum or something?"

Kurt sighed,"No! Gosh Ria, really?"

  I shrugged as he picked up a thick book, hard cover but pale pink with magenta glitter and little fairies with elf ears decorating it.

  "What, encyclopedia of fantasies and fairytales?" I scoffed at it.

  Kurt gasped,"I'll have you know! This is filled with dreams of little children!"

  "Little GIRLS, you mean."


  He flipped thoroughly through the pages and finally stopped on one. The heading said "Sleeping Beauty" and I rolled my eyes. Damn, he was serious about this. We silently read the story together, and his eyes traced the words quickly, mouthing at the same time.

  "Okay! So what do you think?" Kurt shut the book after we finished.

  I was gaping. "KURT. YOU READ THIS SHIT?"

  An adult who happened to pass by shot me a death glare. "Teenagers and their language," she hissed before walking away. Kurt let out a bursting guffaw, his cheeks eyes closed tight, clutching his belly.

"Stop, you!" I hit him as I felt my cheeks burn to beetroot red.

  "Okay okay!" he choked as he tried to contain himself. "Back to business. Other than defecation, what else is it?"

  I took in a deep breath. "First, what the. The king is terrible. I understand that he's waited too long for this baby girl, but you don't just burn all the spinwheels in the kingdom! So did the citizens go naked eventually?"

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