Chapter 7- Happy Birthday to You

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Author's note:
  Heyyyyyyyyyyyya. So uhm how's the last chapter? Hope you guys liked the little erm. Ahem. Kurt and Rianne moment ahaha. Does it kinda go well? Like idk i haven't really written such a scene before. I'll be really busy with school from now on, so I'm sorry if I don't update quickly.

Other than that, hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

(It's my birthday today, 31 March, and coincidentally I'm writing about Kurt's)


Chapter 7
  I avoided my mom at all costs for the rest of the week. Believe me, it's hard.

  A few times, Andy came over, and I would scurry into my room. I didn't want him calling me "Rae-an" again.

  "Oh love, that's the problem with Maggie," Grandmama sighed. "Foolish with the chooice of mien. But I muust sey, this one is quiete the charma."

  "All of them were charmers to her, Grandmama," I simply pointed. "But none of them really wanted me."

  It was true. I was one of the main reasons why none of them ever proposed to Mom- they don't want to be responsible for me. I knew that much, even as a little kid, still fooling around with Deen, Ash and Kurt pulling out a sword from its invisible sheath.

  You must be wondering what happened in my room after the tiff with Mom. Well, Kurt isn't that kinda of guy. He's still childish in his ways, I doubt he'd think of it.

  "Your mom-"

  "Is completely hopeless," I completed his sentence, thinning my lips as I shrugged my shoulders.

  "What's wrong with falling in love? She can pursue her own happiness, can't she?"

  I turned to face him.

  "Words and advice are useless without knowledge. Don't tell me what to do without knowing anything," I sneered rashly, feeling my blood rise from my fingers to my shoulders.

  He was rendered speechless, leaning backwards, then he looked down disappointedly. I'd hurt his feelings again.

  "Sorry," I mumbled softly as I shifted on my feet and turned to my bookshelf.

  "I shouldn't have judged the situation, it's okay, I'm sorry too," he apologised before doing a small bow.

  My fingers shifted from book to book, tracing dust off some, my eyes wandering, following my hand's lead.

  "Your books?" he asked a little awkwardly.

  "That's why they're in my room," I smiled nostalgically. "I've been reading these since young."

  Now, I'm not gonna say that I read the 'entire children's section in the public library' like most characters in storybooks boast about themselves. I'm not even sure if I did, but what I can say is that I've read a great deal.

  "Prodigy," he punched my arm playfully.

  "What can I say, I grew up in a boring environment, no imagination, just an absent father, dangerous and unpleasant encounters with countless of my mom's exes, music and books, from factual to fantasy-themed."

  "Music?" he raised his eyebrows.

  "Yeah, you don't know? Ash, Deen?" I prompted.

  Ash was in our school, and I was pretty sure Deen, him and I played for one of our school fairs before. Kurt's face showed no recollection.

  "I'll show you. Song requests?" I took out the metallic blue case hidden between my book shelf and my bed.

  " about Lost Stars, Adam Levine?" he suggested.

  I sat down on my bed, positioning my guitar on my lap, the smell of rosewood faint. It's a grand concert, suitable for those who sing and play at the same time, to a certain amount of audience. I tested the strings and tuned them a little, admiring the ebony black of the neck.


  I started strumming. "Please, don't see, just a girl caught up in dreams and fantasies," I started. The glassy clear chords flowed throughout the room, compatible to the sunset sky, tie-dyed orange, amber and a light mix of yellow.

  "It's hunting season, and the lambs are on the run, searching for meaning," a gentle breeze cascaded the curtains.

  "But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?" the last strum.

  I was so mesmerised that I forgot all about Kurt, eyes wide and silent.

  "So... "

  "Gosh shit," he breathed.

  I gulped. Not everyone will like the music I make... That's the reality after all, there'll always be haters, I thought to myself a little sadly. The day hadn't gone so well. First, Cindy, next Mom, and now I end the day with negative comments from my "knight".

  "I don't know what to say," he furrowed his brows, deep in thought. "I'm trying to think of suitable descriptions but..."

  I bit my lower lip. I realised that I really wanted him to like it.

  "It's damn good," his cheeks turned bright pink as his eyes shifted away from me, as if he was too embarrassed to look me in the face and say it.

  He wasn't the first person to compliment me, but it was the only time anyone had ever did it blushing uncomfortably. I don't know why, it made my heart skip a beat, feeling as if my entire circulatory system was filled with glucose and adrenaline instead of blood.

  We decided to celebrate his birthday there and then. I crept to the kitchen and snitched a cheese cream cupcake and a chocolate one, and grabbed two candles and the lighter before racing into my room again like a refugee, lest Mom caught me.

  In the dark, the little flame came to life on the candles, dancing to the birthday song and settled gracefully as the song came to an end, as if waiting expectedly for Kurt to end their warmth. It was the first time we had ever taken a photo together, just ourselves, and somehow, that day, I felt like I saw a new side to him. The one that had red-tinged cheeks, nibbled lips and a (kinda, a little only) cute face when he took selfies.


(Next Day, Sunday)
Ash: So how did the date go
Me: It wasn't a date

  Damn Ash. I grinned.

Ash: Hahahaa tell me when u start falling for him
Ash: Is it Rurt or Kianne?

  Shut up, Ash.

Ash: Dude, he likes u
Me: What?
Ash: Im a guy, I know. DUDE HE ASKED U OUT

My phone buzzed. I had received another message.

New message:
How are you, Rianne? I'm doing well...

  I eyes scanned through the message, and I felt a tight firm tug at my stomach.

  It was from my father- he was coming back.

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