Chapter 10

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It's been a couple of days since I've seen Noodle last. I missed her but she told me she had something to talk about with the band so she'll call me when she is done. I understood, it's her family.

I was sitting behind the front counter eating my lunch when I got a phone call from Noodle. I was so happy, I get to hear her voice again. That cute japanese accent. I giggled when I picked up the phone.

"Hey Noodle! I missed your voice, hell I've missed you!" I said into the phone, a huge smile on my face.

"Hey babes. Can we talk at the sushi place after your done working?" She asked not even saying she missed me too. I was worried but I hesitantly agreed and she hung up the phone.

At this point I was full on freaking out. I need to close the shop now. I grabbed my phone and purse before grabbing my keys. I went to the door and shut the blinds and turned the thing around so it said closed. Then I locked the door and walked over to my apartment building. I ran up to my apartment and sat down on the couch thinking. Is she breaking up with me? No, she wouldn't.... I thought we were doing great together?

I shook off my feeling and went to get dressed. I grabbed what I wore for our first date and went to get ready. By the time I was done it was time to meet Noodle at the sushi place. I took a deep breath and walked out of the building and walked over to the restaurant. I looked around and didn't see Noodle. I went to go sit at a table.

After about 10 minutes I saw her walk in. i stood up and waved to her. She waved back, I looked at her visible eye and it was red and puffy like she was crying. Once she made it over we both sat down. I took her hand into mine and looked at her sincerely.

"Noodz? Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Babes... w-w-we have to...." She didn't finish her sentence.

"We have to what Noodle?"

"We have to b-break up." She coughed out. I was in shock and recoiled my hand back.

"B-But I thought we had something? Noodle I was.... f-falling in love with you, hell I am in love with you!" I exclaimed standing up.

We haven't even ordered our food and I was already pissed and crying my ass off.

"I-I'm sorry babes. I-I love you too but I can't do this right now." She told me then walked out of the restaurant.

I sat back down staring at the table as tears went down my face. Then I got up and walked out myself and went back to my apartment. I made to my apartment and saw a key and a note sitting on my kitchen counter. I picked the key up and I automatically knew it was Noodle's and I threw across the room. I looked at the note, I couldn't bring myself to read it. I dropped to the floor punching the ground not caring about my neighbors downstairs. I stopped to look at my hands and they were bleeding but I didn't get up to wash them off I just sat down with my head in my knees and my arms around my legs.

Noodle's POV [before the restaurant]

"Gew ahead Noodz. We'll be here'." 2d reassured me. He was kinda the reason i'm breaking up with the love of my life. We talked the other day because we're going on a long tour and 2d thought it was best if I broke up with her for know. He was scared that she'd cheat on me and I'd get hurt. I was crying earlier because I really didn't want to but 2d was right, it's for the best.

After I walked out I went to an alley just so I could see her one more time. Once she walked out I could see how hurt she was. I felt so bad, I really did love her.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was the next morning and I didn't sleep that whole night. I was just sitting there on the kitchen floor remembering all the times I made Noodle laugh or smile. Or the times we sat down and watched movies. I sat there remembering every inch of her body and how perfect it was. I never stopped crying.

I got up at around 8 in the morning and finally went to change. I saw one of Noodle's hoodie's on the floor and I picked it up and put it on. It still had her scent. I climbed into bed and went under the covers before crying myself to sleep.

I woke up the next day at around 2 in the afternoon. I didn't feel like work today but I know I have to go water them. I put on a pair of shorts and grabbed my phone and keys. I walked down stairs and went to the shop. I unlocked the door and went to water the plants.

About 30 minutes went by when the door chimed, "Sorry but we're closed for today.", I said not even looking behind me. I knew I looked like a mess so probably turning around wasn't the best idea but I did it anyways. When I did I saw Marie standing there. She looked at me with shock, she's never seen me like this.

"(Y-Y-Y/N)?" She said and I nodded.

"What happened?" She asked awkwardly, I think she still thinks she shouldn't be here because she was looking around to see if Noodle would pop out of no where.

"S-She.... she b-broke up with me." I coughed out before dropping the watering can and falling to the floor again. Marie came running to my side and helped me up. She gave me a tight hug and didn't say anything. She brought me to a chair and went to clean up the mess I did.

"You d-don't have to M-Marie..." I said.

"No, it's fine." She told me after she was done. She took my keys and grabbed my hand. We exited the store and she locked it for me and we walked to my apartment building still hand in hand. I looked at her then smiled. No matter what she was still my friend and cared for me. I took her up to my apartment and she sat me on the couch.

"Now we are going to watch a movie and forget about Noodle. Okay?" She said and I nodded. She went to my stack of movie disc's and pulled out one of my favorite movies and put it in. Once she did she went to the kitchen and found the popcorn. Once the popcorn was made she sat down and I started the movie. I moved closer to her, since it was more of a thriller, and eat the popcorn.

It was nice. After the movie she left and I went to bed. But I still couldn't forget about her, Noodle.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now