A Little Flirt

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I've made you guys wait for too long so here's a Rick's pov.


Rick's POV

Beth offered Y/N a glass of water when we all sat down at the dining table. Y/n shook her head and asked Beth for 'courage'? I don't know either, but I understood what she meant when Beth handed her a glass of her red wine. Rin immediately downed the wine, from her expression I can tell she doesn't like the taste of it, she coughed and cleared her throat.

"Well?" I asked urging her to just talk already. Y/n looked at me a nervous smile on her face.

"Right.. um.. for starters I-umm.." I rolled my eyes as she stuttered out the beginning of her explanation.

"Get on with it." I snapped and she flinched. She laughed nervously scratching her nape.

"I i-invent and m-make gadgets and-umm my 'friend' is a-actually my brother. " She put air quotes on friend and rubbed the back of her neck staring down on her lap.

I scoffed which caught her attention. Raising her brow she muttered a 'what'.

"You could've just s-eruph-said that from the beginning. We aren't asshats and I'm not that much of an ass to judge you for being a 'genius'. " I laughed gaining glares from Morty and Beth.

"What?" I asked as my laughter died down.

"She i-isn't a 'g-genius' Rick, she is a-a genius." Morty clarified making me laugh again. I nodded slowly and faced y/n who was sweating profusely.

"You're alright kid, you might become my lab assistant rather than Morty here. " I joked and jabbed a finger towards Morty who stuttered 'hey'.

"Oh no, I-I can't do that." Y/n swatted her arms, then relaxed looking back to me she gazed into my eyes. Suddenly my stomach felt weird, I felt weird. Fuck.

"Thanks though." She smiled which made my heartbeat quicken for a second. What is she doing? I thought.

"Y-yeah, n-no problem kid." I stuttered, I cleared my throat taking a quick swig from my flask. Y/n eyed my flask for a bit and when she noticed she was staring she looked away. I reached the flask to her shaking it to get her attention.

"Dad!" Beth scolded. I shushed her and shook the flask again offering it to y/n, she looked down at it and to me I raised both my brows and nodded my head lightly. She snatched the flask and took a long swig from it.

She sighed in relief and handed the flask back to me, wiping the green drool from her lips. By this time I had my brow raised so high it could fall off, I was confused. This heavy of a drink makes her relieved while wine makes her disgusted? Who the fuck is this girl?

I hadn't realize I was staring at y/n who snapped her fingers in my face to snap me out. She pointed to me.

"You're face's red, are you sick or something?" She said and placed the back of her hand on my forehead, I looked at Beth and Morty who were grinning and wiggling their brows. I felt more heat rise to my face, swatting y/n's hand away I took another swig from my flask to hide the blush by acting drunk.

"I'm fine." I glared at her as she sat down. She gave me a confused glare and took out her glasses. She pressed something on the side of it and a slightly visible crosshair appeared. Shit her visor! I tried to snatched the visor away but she already took it off and placed it down on the table. She chuckled and looked at me grinning playfully.

"What's got you so flushed and flustered, Rick~" she teased pointing her index towards me, I looked away grumbling incoherent curses. Then an idea popped in my mind. What if I played along? Let's see what you look like when the tables are turned. I grinning seductively which got y/n off guard.

"You." I breathe out, y/n turned red while Morty and Beth chuckled, gesturing to me that they were gonna head out. I nodded and looked back to y/n, but now she wasn't blushing, she was returning the seductive look, now I was caught off guard.

I was blushing again, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks and Morty and Beth wasn't out of sight they were hiding by the doorway, which meant I could see them but y/n couldn't. Shiiiit.

"I didn't know the all knowing Rick Sanchez has a device for seductive flirting." Y/n challenge in a seductive manner. Behave.

"I didn't know the shy and anxious Y/n does too." I accept in the same tone. Y/n chuckled in a dark manner which I got my stomach fluttering.

"I can flirt whenever I want, to whoever I want to, Richard." Just like that, the bitch had me going. I stood up and dashed to the bathroom, bad idea. I looked down and sure enough I had a hard on. For fuck sakes that kid has charm, both good and bad.


After Rick ran to the bathroom I laughed my ass off, almost falling off the chair. Geez that dude cannot take a small flirtatious play. I stood up my laughter settling down to giggles, Morty and Beth was by the doorway, arms crossed and grinning widely.

"W-what?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck as the two continued to stare with grins. Beth shook her head.

"It's just been long ever since dad had a little flirt." Beth chuckled then turns her head to the bathroom.

"What's u-up with him? He just ran off." I asked looking briefly at the bathroom then back to Beth.

"He doesn't really let us call him by his name like that so I don't really know too." Beth explained.

"Mom, d-didn't you say g-granma called R-rick that w-whenever s-she got serious t-then Rick w-would t-tense up?" Morty interjected which made Beth think for a second, then snaps her fingers.

"Yeah! Mom told me that whenever dad gets in trouble she would scold him and call him by that. Mom said he would cower whenever she does." Beth chuckled at the thought then sighs sadly. Her mom must've passed judging from her expression.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said and hugged her trying to comfort her, she rubs my back and pulls away sniffling.

"How'd you know?" Beth asked.

"Well it's pretty obvious, I haven't seen her around and y-your expression shows it." I explained walking over to the kitchen cabinets inspecting the contents, then stumbled upon some rum. I held it an faced Beth.

"C-can I?" I smiled shyly holding up the bottle, Beth smiled and nodded before walking away presumably upstairs which meant I was left alone with Morty.

"T-thanks f-for saving us from t-those two." Morty thanked his faced a bit pink and fiddled with his thumbs. Walking over to him I ruffled his hair, "I didn't do much.", smiling and walking back to the couch to sit down and drink the remaining anxiety away.

After that, Rick and I would occasionally flirt playfully whenever we would bump into each other or when he invites me to any adventures, so far those were going well, I'm just waiting for those fucking bureaucats slash flies to spot us. I wonder when? But for now I enjoyed the two boy's company in adventures just until Jhay-ar comes back, maybe we group up in adventures or some shit.

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