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I know an a/n on the start of the chapter, but I just wanted to inform you guys that I changed something in the story and that is the pov. I'm not using a random name from now since I thought it might confuse you guys and as somewhat of an author I should put my reader's priority first. So all the chapters now refer to y/n and not Rin, if I missed an edit kindly please inform me so I can change it. Thank you and enjoy!



I was about to pass out on the couch when Rick suddenly bursts through my door half drunk.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! C-come on we- we got-eruph-gotta, gotta get going." Rick almost practically dragging me by me feet and out the door exclaimed while I groan in annoyance as well as my tired ass being forced to stay awake longer for who knows whatever reason.

I stood up once Rick managed to drag me out the door, I let out yet another tired groan of complaint and locked my door. Turning back to Rick before I could ask he dragged my by wrist and to their house Morty waiting inside the garage brows knitted together. "He explained it to you didn't he?" I asked already knowing he wasn't pleased with what he discovered. "Resulting for his sorry to get drunk and pull me out of my couch AND house?" I added he nodded at both the question. "Also because with need help with that." Morty replied pointing behind me and at the sky.

Giving him a confused look I turned slowly and looked up, shockingly yet already used to alien-y stuff. There in the sky floated dozens and dozens of floating serious looking heads. "Rick what are and why are the heads doing in our sky? Specifically in our orbit?" I looked at Rick who was currently stumbling with his portal gun.

"SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" One of the closer heads screamed, the weather seemingly change as his voice bounced off of earth's crust. "Cromulons t-tend to feed on-on the talent and showmanship of-eruph-of less-evolved life-lifeform. We just have to sim-simply show them a-a hit song." Rick explained and finally opened up a portal.

Once the three of us went through, the President came to Rick immediately. "Rick what is going on here? I thought we were finished with this! And who the hell is the girl?" Exclaimed the President, I wasn't into politics and law otherwise I wouldn't be one of the top wanted criminals for no reason. I placed a hand on my hip and shifted my weight on other opposite foot.

"What's it to you Mr. Pres?" As shy and delicate I am, I know when sass is needed to place people in their respective areas, as for the president it's wayy wayy below me and Rick. "Guards lock her up!" The bastard told one of his guards, I rolled my eyes and brought my people turning snake watch. "This watch can turn people to snakes so back off." I said and held my wrist to the approaching guards.

The president scoffed, crossing his arms he said, "I know that trick already, there's a snake canister on your leg and that watch simply disintegrate the person, Rick already used that don't make yourself a counterfeit." He scoffed again and gestured for the guards to continue. My turn to scoff I shoot the two guards and lifted my baggy jeans revealing yet a canister on my leg but for a different reason, I let the snakes that were once people to slither into it, I stomped my foot and the lid covered it with a tight seal.

I gave the president a glare, who was baffled and taken a back. "Never. Underestimate. Me." I threatened venom laced every word. Rick whistled beside me mindlessly wrapping an arm around me. "She's something isn't she Mr. P?" Rick chuckled and downed a swig from his flask, I for being tired snatched it and took a long well deserved drink from it. I gave the empty container back to Rick. "Get some refill from the Pres I'll be heading to Area 51, see if they have the speakers set up, bye douche, bye Rick , Morty." I said and opened a portal for myself the familiar blue and white hue swirling together as I went though it.

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