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Hey guys sorry to be a bearer of bad news but I feel like this story is going nowhere, I still haven't settled on a plot and I've been slacking off lately. Thus I have to let this story go, end it here. I'm not a very responsible person for doing this especially since I've already written 20+ chapters for this and the suddenly ending it. Again I'm sorry.

Sike! Here's another chapter.

Rick's POV

The next day all the three of us did was look for a place for Jhay to stay. We walked all around town and even looked for a solution in the newspaper but we weren't able to find anything.

"This sucks." Y/N pouted, scoping the newspaper again then frustratedly threw it across the living room. "Ugh! It's been all day and we couldn't find you a place to stay not even an apartment!" She huffed, crossing her arms. I chuckled and pet her head to calm her down which worked and she was soon cuddling up to me almost purring.

Suddenly she perks up and as if a light bulb was above her head turned on she jumped to my lap, it was painful. "Let's build Jhay a room!" She suggests a beaming smile across her face.

"Whoa whoa whoa, sis? You can't do that!" Jhay interjects laying his bundle of newspaper on the table. Y/N chuckled, "Nonsense bro, I can do it, and I will." She stood up and was about to head to the garage but was stopped by Jhay-ar grabbing her wrist. Y/N turned around and gave her brother a questioning look.

"You can't just pop a new room out of nowhere without authorization... It's against the law. " Jhay stated. I admit he's really nice but I couldn't help but just laugh with Y/N. "Bro, you do remember I'm your sister right? I hate, no despise the law and everything that's related to it." Y/N chuckles and heads to the garage.

"She never changed." Jhay sighs facing forward again. "Really? I think she did, she's even more cheerful and her anxious self kinda poofed, ya' know?" I said chuckling walking to the kitchen to grab a can of beer for the two of us. "I get that, but the things she hates never did change." Jhay chuckled thanking me for the beer.

We talked for a while laughing whenever we hear a curse from the garage, thinking Y/N stubbed her toe or dropped something. A few hours past and she bursts through the living room holding up a small metal cube. "I'm finally done! Oh can I have some?" She asks seeing me and Jhay holding beers. " Not after you show us what you made hun. " I chuckled at her pouting face and motioned for us to follow her.

We stopped a few feet from her- our room and placed the box down. "Jhay would you do the honors?" She grinned pointing at the handprint on top of the cube. "Eh why not?" Jhay walked over to her and fitted his hand on the dents, scanned him and then floated up to his head, exploding. No no it didn't hurt him, the explosion was immune to us just the wall. We coughed and swatted the smoke out of our eyes, when it cleared up there was door.

Y/N clearly proud of her creation jumped up and down squealing with happiness and practically dragged me and Jhay into the room. When Jhay looked at the room he was in awe.

"Y-you... Wow sis... I can't believe it. It just like I was really home! " He looked around and bounce on the alien themed bed. "This looks like our room back then! Except without your bed and posters but still! WOW!" He plopped himself on his bed, Y/N followed I shrugged and did the same. The two looked at me and blew into a fit of laughter which I soon joined.

When the giggles subsided we pulled ourselves off the bed and into the kitchen celebrating Jhay's new place and reconnecting with Y/N. "Thanks sis, I mean it. You've always been there for me." Jhay sweetly said to his sister. "Pft.. only because you were there for me too!" She brightened and slumped in her seat. " But seriously I don't like this mushy stuff so let's end it there." She added with a few giggles.

Jhay simply nodded and chuckled. He looked at me with a brotherly smile. "Thanks for letting me stay Rick, you're a good dude, I'm glad Y/N met you. " He smiled and raised his can, I raised mine as well, "And I'm glad you're back in her life, she really missed you. " We clank our cans and chugged. "Hey! You forgot about me!" Y/N whined and raised hers. Me and Jhay looked at each other and laughed raising back our beer.

"To family."

"To family!"

Before we could chugged our beers again someone bursts through the door.

"Rick!" Morty shouted frantically.

"Yow dude c-chill out what's wrong?" I set my can down and walked over to him grabbing his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. He still hasn't stopped panicking and stuttering incomprehensible words. I groaned and before I could slap some sense into him Y/N did it for me.

"Morty! What the hell are ships doing outside my house?!" She shouted subconsciously looking back at Jhay she sighed clearing her throat, calming down and stood straight. "S-sorry... But Morty seriously, why are ships, Federation ones at that, doing outside my house?" Y/N calmly asked Morty, he took a deep breath and answered.

"Someone snitched on us, a-a-and sent our location." Morty stuttered a bit but it was clear now. I felt my blood boil. "Who the fuck dares to double fucking cross me?!" I felt my anger become into a feeling of betrayal and into sadistic feelings of revenge.

"I traced the call from the ship's database, and it says it was from someone called Jerry Smith?" Jhay held a computer in one hand the other typed with inhumane professional speed. He held the computer to us and showed me the details of the hacked system

"Fucking bastard." I chuckled, heading to Y/N's garage with her and the two followed right after. Y/N pressed a button on a wall, revealing a little passcode, typed the numbers and the false wall lifted up. Dozens upon dozens of weaponry was displayed in front of us. Y/N grabbed two hand guns and a lazer sniper rifle before facing the three of us.

"What are you all waiting for? Fucking Christmas?"


Yeah sorry this chapter's short but I promise the next one's gonna be long. Till next time


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