Trending Trains

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Kevin was brought into the magical world of trains with his friends. They waited at the colourful, crowded eternal station waiting for the next big poppy train to arrive and take them on an ascending magical ride.

Within seconds, the train with a handsome round face attached to rainbow-coloured compartments got everyone swished and hooked into the first-class compartment rushing upwards, accelerating as more people latched on.

The floor and roof of this particular party were dry and boring grey-white, but everyone around Kevin performed a dance routine repeatedly, marvelling at every hollow word and note vibrating from red speakers placed at the top of infinite-display windows on both sides, extending throughout the train.

One of his friends whose energy transcended from different parts of his body, screamed in joy, "I feel so nippy. Nippy, nippy, nippy, nippy."

The view from the train's perspective perceived paradisiacal to Kevin's eyes. Pink clouds floated amidst the violet sky, adorable cupid angels also joining their routine outside by the windows. Kevin turned backwards and could see the compartment extending by the second as uncountable numbers joined into the train.

The short-lived ascension drew to a close, and as people gradually started checking out from the train, the train began to fall steeply downwards. The compartment's length reduced proportionally to the disappearing acts.

"Come on, onto the next one," Kevin's friends said to him. "You don't want to grow old here."

The next thing he knew, he was back at the station where everyone was, waiting again. Soon enough, another train appeared to take place of the previous one, this one also appealing to the eye, its eyes as saucers, surgically crafted nose, and a frown which the people seemed to enjoy in cold blood.

This time around, the words and notes were broken-hearted, but the people still danced in agitation. Kevin tried to warn his friends about the offbeat and profound nature of everything, but everybody ignored the tears garnering in their eyes and continued feeding their mass hysteria.

Kevin decided to leave his friends and browse the deeper parts of what the train had to offer. He roamed different compartments, the lengths of their compartment in descending order, the quality of the tones varying. The sightings of old people could be seen in some compartments, more often in the later ones.

Finally, Kevin got off the train and landed back at the crowded station. He went towards the edge of the platform and tried to see below the illusion of the bright tunnel, its disseminating brightness intimidating him to stay put. He closed his eyes and leapt in the faith of finding a settlement.

After the deep dive, he ended up in a lusterless station stranded in the middle of twinkling stars at proximity. It was a striking contrast compared to the prevalent station. The station had a few people, who chose whichever star they wanted and disappeared immediately. Kevin looked at the enormous range of selection and chose one of the unknowns, the unknown which seemed to resemble a part of him.

He then found himself in another train, running over its tracks. The windows were covered by unmovable curtains and the interior of the train was silver. The words and notes were enjoyable and relevant to Kevin. He found solace in the laid-back environment. There were very few people, varying across ages. He roamed throughout the elements of the train, his soul able to luxuriate itself at different stages.

He slowly grew old, and in the fullness of time, saw the head of the train detach itself from the body of the train. The compartments still moved roamed around together, pushing itself on as it roamed the infinite net.

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