Shacks and Houses

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"Your father has cancer Jimin."


"He has cancer. He found out a month before you moved in. He wanted to make things right before he went. He still has a couple of months left before he passes, but it's getting worse."

"Why wasn't I told?"

"Because he didn't t wanted you to worry about him."

"He's my father, I should be informed about this!"

"Yelling won't make anything better, so call down. And tell your 'friend', he needs to go outside."

"I can hear you, you wrinkly bitch."

"Then why are you here, your not family."

"I'm here with Jimin! Besides, he tried to fucking kill me once."

"Maybe he should have."

"ENOUGH!" Jimin yelled.

"Both of you need to shut the fuck up. My father is in their dying and your arguing."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Jeongguk said.

"How long does he have to live exactly?"

"Like I said, a couple more months before goes."

Jimin sighed and dragged his hand through his hair.

"Can I see him?"

"I don't think that's best right now. It's your fault he's in here."

"Excuse me! How is it my fault!?"

"You're the one who left. He started freaking out because you weren't there. He tried to call you, but you never even answer. He was afraid you had really left him. I told him what we had talked about and he started saying it was his fault that all this happened. Then, he ended up passing out. I brought him here, then called you."

Jimin let out a groan of frustration as he looked around.

"I have to see him, where is he?"

"The doctor says he needs rest, so you can't see him."

"Where is my father, I can see him if I want!"

Karin sighed as she pointed at the last door on the left.

"Stay here for a moment, Jeongguk."

"Alright, I'll be here."

Jimin walked down the hall and into a room where he saw his father hooks on to different things. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Dad, I'm really sorry that all this happened. Maybe it's my fault, I dont know."

"If I didn't dance, maybe you and mom might still be together. I've ruined everything. I screwed up everything. I got kicked out of dance, out of school. I don't even have a job. I don't know what's going to happen to me. I might just end up homeless.  You probably think I'm the worst child to have. I'm so sorry dad. Everything is my fault."

"I know we didnt have the best relationship, but your my dad, and I love you. We may fight a lot, but I still care about you. You do things for me because you worry about me. Maybe if you and mom had another baby, things would've been different. I know you don't like how I live. I would love to change, but I can't change how I feel towards people. I love boys, and I really love dancing. I was never going to be a stripper, I just wanted to dance."

"I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations. I'm going to try to be a better son. I'm going to be responsible. I remember when I was a kid, you told me if I got a girl pregnant, I had to move in with her. I'm gonna move in with Jeongguk, so I won't be a bother to you and Karin. I don't want you to worry about me anymore. I'll still come visit you if you want"

"I'm just tired of everyone feeling like they have to worry about me. I love you, I hope you know that,"

Jimin leaned over and kissed his father on the cheek, then left. Jeongguk was outside waiting for him.

"Are you ok?"

"We have to start looking?"

"Looking for what?"

"Houses up here, I can't stay away from my father right now."

"Ok, we can do that." Jeongguk grabbed Jimin's hand and they started walking away.


"So I get to live with Chimmy!" Mijun yelled.

"No Mijun, your daddy is living with him, while you will live with me," Y/n stated as she glared at Jimin.

"Excuse me, she is living with me."

"Jeongguk, I'm not arguing about this. My daughter already spent time with you."

"I wa-wanna stay with Chimmy and daddy"

"You are going to stay with us, don't listen to your mommy."



"My daughter is living going to live with mr and Jimin. I don't care what you have to say,"

Y/n let out a groan as she got up from the couch and walked down the hall.

"Daddy, mommy is angry."

"She'll get over it, in the meantime, why don't you go get your book bag ready. We are going to check out some house and you can come with us."


"Yeah, go get your bag."

Mijun ran down the hall and into her room.

"So, what type of house do you want specifically?"

"A one-story house so I don't have to do a lot of walking."

"Great, I'll get us a 3 story house and our bedroom will be downstairs."


"What, I grew up in big houses."

"I just want a small house."

"And that's what I'm getting you. A 3 story house to me is basically a shack."


"Don't worry, it will be a nice house."

"I'm ready daddy!" Mijun yelled coming from out of her room and into the living room.

"Do you have your juice and snacks?"

"Yes, come on," She grabbed Jeongguk's hand and tried to pull him off the couch. She pouted when she failed. Jeongguk let out a laugh and got up, picking Mijun up and setting her on his hip.

"Don't look so sad, one day I'll be old and you will easily be able to pick me up."

"Really, so will I be able to boss you around."

"As much as you want, just don't poison me if I get on your nerves."

"What's poison?"

You'll learn about it when you older."

Jimin smiled as he watched Jeongguk mess with Mijun. He wondered if thats how Jeongguk would act with their baby.

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