The performance

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Dewey's POV

"Ok so Miss. Mullins music coaching will be after school and we may have a new student joining."
"Correct I want you to have this ready so when he comes in for orientation everything is already set."

"Great! And don't worry everything will be ready by then. And hey maybe we can go on another date over actual coffee this time."

"Mr. Finn, I really enjoyed our first date but I just think it's wrong to date one of my colleagues."

"Oh... Um yea forget I said anything. Goodbye Rosa- Miss Mullins."

Dani's POV

"Ok so your orientation is Friday, you actually start Monday, and hours are 7:45-3:00 and whatever music thingy after school goes till 4 if you are interested. Right?"

"Yup you nailed it!"

"What school are you going to anyways?"

"Horace Green Prep."

Dani fake gags at his response...

"Really? Mom is making you go there, so much for having a high class family."

"It's not that bad, they just have a lot of rules.."

"Anyways let's get you unpacked and settled down alright humbug?"


Dani helps settle Malachi down in his own room and Jordan stands in the doorway.

"What party is happening here?"

"Ha. Ha. So funny. Anyways we are having a new roomie!"

"For how long?"

"Mondays-Fridays anyways tomorrow is his orientation for his new school and since we're closer my mom and I made a deal."

"That witch really. Just keep the kid she probably won't even notice."

"She has a point.." Malachi says joining in.

"Whats up humbug?"

"Oh nothing.. What's for dinner anyways?"

"We actually have to perform so we can stop by somewhere and get you food while you wait backstage." Jordan shares her idea.

"Ok sounds like a plan!" Dani agrees and Malachi just nods his head.

Later while performing Dani recognizes a familiar face in the crowd, during her break she goes to say hi.

Dewey's POV

'Alright here is the bar...' He thought then sees a sign before the door.

"Tonight performing Dani and Jordan from Cavetown."

'Cavetown. Cool name.'

As he walks in the bar his job immediately drops.

"Holy shi-"

"Bud, getting a drink?" one of the bartenders asked cleaning off a table.

"Um yea, does she play her often?"

"Yea she's here almost every night, of course she takes her break but she is one of our top performers."

"Damn.. She's hot.... I mean good.."

"Nah pal it's cool she gets it all the time, us bartenders don't say anything unless she says so."

"Oh wow.. Anyways can I have a whiteclaw." Dewey still watches Dani performing. After he gets his drink he walks towards the stage. "I'll be back.."

A new band member or lover? (Dewey Finn Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now