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Sana was excited. She was very excited to finally visit the city of Androra on the planet Aomia. She had been waiting for this field trip for months. It was her first trip to another planet. These kinds of trips were only granted to the graduating classes of Zletin University. The graduating archeology class had planned to visit Androra to observe it's vast landscapes and its people. They had read countless books and studied on numerous different planets. Sana was excited to see how the people from Aomia could live in harmony with the different species of plants and animals; the peaceful and natural lives of Aomians which was a complete opposite of where she lived.

Sana lived on planet Zanerth her whole life. Growing up in the city of Vlale had its pros and cons. Sana loved the busyness of the streets yet she also wished to see more. Sana had longed to travel the universe ever since she was little, she wanted to be an explorer. Now you can imagine her excitement when her dream is finally coming true. This trip meant the world to her.

"Hey Momo, have you packed already?"

"Yeah I'll get to it" Momo was stretched out on the couch eating salty potato chips while watching the TV.

Sana rolled her eyes "Well get to it, we don't want to be late tomorrow"

"Yes Ma'am" Momo did a salute, eyes never leaving the TV.

Sana sighed as she walked into her bedroom. As she sat her bed she eyed her suitcase and a smile crept on her face.

Ahh.. nothing can ruin tomorrow. She thought as she laid on her bed and drifted off to sleep.


Momo had overslept a bit causing her and Sana to almost be late but luckily they made it on time with 1 minute and 23 seconds to spare. All eight of their classmates and their professor was there already. Waiting to aboard the ship.

"Alright while Mr. Bae finishes loading our luggage onto the ship I want you all to select a travel buddy that you'll be sitting next to on board" Professor Sunmi stated with excitement written all over her face.

Naturally, Sana chose Momo, her best friend. Nayeon and Jeongyeon sat next to each other, Taeil sat next to Dejun, Dowoon sat next to Renjun and Somi sat next to the professor. This was it. The graduating class of the archeology course.

"Alright here we go" Mr. Bae was powering the engine on as everyone was already strapped up and seated, "Next stop, Aomia!"

The group all chuckled as they felt the ship slowly lift off the ground. With one button Mr. Bae had the ship zoom out into space very quickly. In a matter of minutes they were already in space and Sana felt that she could almost cry. Oh how she longed to see the stars up close even though it looked more like specs of light in an array of darkness. She somehow found the sight so beautiful.

In had been an hour in the ride when most of her peers had fallen asleep but Sana was wide awake. She didn't want to miss anything at all. Aomia was only an hour and a half away from Zanerth. It was the second closest planet next to Zanerth, the first being Thion 3XQ. To get to Aomia you had to pass over the planet Thion 3XQ. Sana had read about the planet whose inhabitants were alien shape shifters. The people were known to be very dangerous and aggressive. They were not fond of outsiders at all. Zanertheans were banned from travelling to the planet. Even though it was illegal and Sana knew the dangers of the planet, she was still very curious about it. Hoping that someday she may get the chance to explore even a bit of the planet.

It can't be that bad. I bet- she was pulled out of her thought as she heard a shrill sound of an alarm going off and the lights from the ship switching from yellow to red.

"What's happening?!" she shouted to Professor Sunmi who was sitting across from her.

"Everyone remain strapped in your seats and calm down please" Sunmi said with a worried look on her face as she got up from her seat and bolted to the direction of where Mr. Bae was.

"What's going on?!" Sunmi shouted to Mr. Bae who was frantically pushing numerous buttons.

"Get back to your seat! Now!" he shouted back at her.

"Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"The engine is failing and where falling now get the fuck back to your seat" he said as he desperately tried to pull the lever up in hopes that it will stop the ship from falling.

"Fuck. Where are we now? Can't you safely light us to somewhere safe"

"I can try but the engine is deteriorating quickly and I the ship only has enough energy to light us to the closest planet"

"Well that's great! Right? Do that then. Now." Sunmi ordered as Mr. Bae remained frozen in his seat.

"What are you waiting for? Do it! Light us out of here!"

Mr. Bae had hesitated for a bit then sighed as he put the coordinates in. There was a bright flash an in a matter of seconds they zoomed out from space.

Sana looked out her window and she saw some clouds. But the clouds were moving at a rapid speed. They were still falling.

"Everyone hold on tight and brace yourselves for impact!" Mr. Bae shouted and Sunmi quickly ran back to her seat, however she didn't make it back in time when the ship collided with the ground. It skid through the ground and flipped four times over until it came to a stop.

Sana slowly opened her eyes as she saw everyone either dead or unconscious. She saw Momo beside her with her head faced down. She hoped Momo was alive. But, she herself was losing consciousness. The last thing she heard was the electricity from the ship breaking and a vehicle in the distance as she closed her eyes.

When Sana woke up she was in a dark room. She looked around and saw her friends sitting. Sunmi's head was on Somi's lap as Sunmi lay there as if she was asleep. Mr. Bae was nowhere to be seen. In the corner of the room she saw Momo with her knees to her chest and her head in her arms. She was glad Momo was okay. She sat up and limply walked over to Momo and sat down.


Momo looked up at Sana with a sad smile.

"Where are we?" Sana asked. Momo's smile quickly faded and she hesitated a bit before she said,

"We're on planet Thion 3XQ". 

AN//Hi so I had another idea for a fic but I think I might use it and create original characters. Though this story still is somewhat similar to my original idea. Anyways I have a general idea how this story will span out. To write it in a cohesive manner is the problem haha. But, I'll try to. I'm trying to practice my writing so I'm sorry if it's not that great. I'm sorry if there's any errors I kinda hate proofreading ahh but I'll hopefully do better in the future. If anyone reads this, then thank you. :) I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I manage to tell the story in an enjoyable or interesting way. We'll see but thanks again! x

*This fic is cross-posted on different sites*

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