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Wednesday 18th August

3rd person POV

"Wow, when they said it would be good, I didn't expect it to look THIS good!" Leafy yelped in awe as she slowly walked towards the building, Loser following close behind.

The hotel stood before them, it's exterior welcoming and enticing. The sun's light reflected off the glossy walls, giving off a modern look. Leafy could hear the soft rumble of the minivan just metres behind as the others stumbled out of the vehicle.

"Looks rather exquisite." Tree murmured, dragging his luggage behind him, only to be met with an unamused 'hmm' from Lollipop followed closely by Saw.

"YAAAAAAAY!!" Yellow Face hollered and ran to the door past Leafy and Loser. He proceeded to quickly open it and enthusiastically head inside.

Standing next to Tennis Ball, who was busy picking up the random documents from his file that he dropped, Golf Ball scanned the area, bewildered, "From what I've heard, we can only check in twenty eight minutes from now."

"Pffff who cares, not like we can't just persuade them, stop being such a rule follower." 8-Ball countered, following Yellow Face's steps.

"But-" Golf Ball retorted, flustered.

"Woah, like chill, GB." Match interrupted, flicking her hair back. "No one like, likes you being so bossy all the time, you know."

"It doesn't bother me!" Tennis Ball chimed in, grinning.

"I think we should just go in anyway, there's no point just standing around." Pin reasoned, holding the door.

"Yeah, we should." Leafy responded, quickly gripping the handle of the other door and swinging it open, to let everyone else in.

As everyone gathered into the reception, taking in the sights, 8-Ball stood leaning on the reception desk, monotonously tapping his fingers on the wood. He sighed and rung the bell a fifth time, to which Woody pathetically squealed in fright and Loser calmed him down.

"Helloooooo?!" Yellow Face yelled from the opposite end of the desk, growing more impatient, very much contrasting from his usual hyper behaviour.

No answer.

From a chair Golf Ball had nestled into, she smirked, "I told you, check in only starts at twelve!"

Out of the small crowd, Coiny whined: "Well I don't want to be stuck in the same room as you for the next.. half hour, in fact, NO one wants to."

"Except Tennis Ball." Lollipop blurted, glancing at him.

Some of them turned their heads towards Tennis Ball, expecting some sort of embarrassed interjection, but no, there was absolutely no emotion on his face. He was just standing there, calmly observing. Brief silence ensued, while Golf Ball sat there, looking furious before Black Hole silently walked to the centre of the desk.

Something had caught his eye.

Loser noticed his confused expression, "What is it, Black Hole?"

Laying on the counter was a laminated pink page. Black Hole prised it from the smooth surface and held it close to his face, skimming through it.

Dear Guests
Welcome to Ashcroft House Hotel. As you may have noticed, there is an absence of staff in these premises. This is normal. You will not need any staff here, not even for room service. The only exclusion are chefs and other kitchen workers. There is a small envelope stapled to the board on the opposite wall. Inside are eight key cards and information booklets regarding your stay at the hotel. Access to floors 3, 4, 5 and 6 are prohibited. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served at the times found on the timetable in your information booklet.
You are the only ones here.
Enjoy your stay.

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