~Something that happened~

969 6 52

Thursday 19th August

Edit: uhh it's been a long while since I read this fanfic and I realised I left a couple weird random words in brackets scattered in this chapter. I published this without reading through it sooo it's kind of in its draft stage. So uhh just ignore it I guess

3rd person POV

It wasn't long before the whole of the first floor came down to see what the commotion was all about. Remotes ballistic yells were enough to send them hurrying down in a panic, eager to find out what exactly triggered the sudden outburst.

Match came bursting into the room first, soon followed by Teardrop, Pin and Golf Ball.

"Remote? Quit yelling like what's the deal?" Match complained, slowly walking to the source of the manic screams.

Teardrop however, was more hesitant walking towards the shrieking female.

Golf Ball wasn't having it, however.

Remote had already managed to indirectly cause the breakage of the router that she knocked to the floor. It shattered almost completely as Golf Ball already took it apart for a closer inspection with Tennis Ball. Remote acting like the victim now only infuriated her. The only reason the agitated individual came here was to scold her relentlessly, and maybe even earn a well deserved apology.

"Yes, what IS the deal? If it wasn't for you howling like a fucking banshee I would have-"

Golf Ball stopped in her tracks.

Sitting in a huddle near the wall was Remote. Her face was completely covered by her arms but it was clear she was crying. With every tense sob, her body trembled, (overrun) by the sudden grief she was in.

Hanging next to her was Saw's unmoving body, suspended from a rope that was was tightly knit onto one of the horizontal beams on the ceiling. Her neck leant awkwardly on her shoulder, broken. Any colour that once (inhibited) her skin was now replaced with an unnatural, sickly white.


Nothing but dead.

"Pin..." Her voice was now frail in comparison to her usual harsh tones.

"Go.. get the others.."

Match's expression, that was something previously exhibiting slight annoyance quickly turned to confusion and then in a mere second, utter shock.

She quietly whimpered, still stuck in place, before joining the (adjective) female in a (pathetic) vigil.

Only one word escaped her lips.


Pin's POV

Only one thought repeated itself through my mind:

How could this have happened?

Picking up my pace to a jog, I frantically ran through the building, gathering everyone else and ordering them to find the others and make their way to the changing room.

Throughout the tiring (journey) I pondered.

I tried to act calm, stoic.

But my emotions overtook my urge to remain rational.

Why would she do something like this?

Saw was cheerful individual, eccentric, yes, but there was some sort of a strong bohemian charm to her. I could have never imagined something as tragic as suicide would ever cross her mind.



What could have drove her to this?

I was aware that even the luckiest of people, outwardly content, nothing could stand in their way type of people, could be fighting an inner battle only they knew about.

I figured that was what Saw experienced.


I could have stopped it..

We could have saved her.

Lollipop's POV

We all huddled together in the small room when we arrived.

Most of us were undoubtedly sucked into a void of pure chaos. Initially, before the realisation finally hit us in the face, there was a plethora of screams, yells and sobs being emitted from the crowd.

Not to say I'm insensitive, but I simply prefer to internalise my emotions and outwardly display a look of calm dismay.

Thankfully I wasn't the only one displaying such unfavourable traits. Teardrop, Black Hole and Tennis Ball also stood around awkwardly, showing absolutely nothing in terms of external expression.

The others (showed) a complexion (variety) of extreme emotions, understandably.

Of course I myself was grieving, I lost a good friend for fuck's sake..

3rd person POV

"We have been brought together, by circumstance."
Loser started, standing in the center of the room, surrounded by them all.

"To realise, that today one of us is gone.. forever, takes courage. I don't want you all to blame yourself because no matter how unlikely the (event) , we cannot change the past, but move on from it."

There was silence in the room, except the occasional (dismal) sniff from some others. None of them had this ever cross their mind. Who knew that today, there would only be fifteen of them, rather than the usual fourteen?


Edit 10th June 2022.  Anyway I know it's been I think years since I last wrote anything here or on Tenth break (my other bfb fanfic) I just wanna say that I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it. I've actually kind of left the object show fandom ages ago so my enthusiasm for the show dwindled. Anyway I hate to say it but I think I'm permanently abandoning these fanfics even though I enjoyed writing them. Again I'm sorry to abruptly end this fanfic. It must have been pretty darn disappointing. But that being said I actually realised this is bfb amongus 💀. Anyway the killer was one of the characters teehee

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