~The lies in our grief~

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Thursday 19th August

Black Hole's POV

Yesterday was truly something, I mean if having an entire hotel to ourselves wasn't epic enough, then I really don't know what is. We had it to ourselves for hell's sake, OURSELVES!

Well, of course everyone acted differently. Yellow Face, for example, went complete apeshit. I've honestly never seen anyone with such non-stop energy and within approximately an hour, he already knew his way around the place and already used every facility it provided. I along with Teardrop had to literally shove him back into his room at the end of the day.

Tree on the other hand, when not sitting idly in his room, went around with an extremely worried look on his face, glancing at everything as if it was a wanted serial killer. Yes, he was overly serious most of the time anyway, but this time he just went overboard. Almost killed the mood so to speak.
Everyone else just did their thing I guess. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Last night, I walked around the hotel, trying to familiarise myself with it. There's quite a lot of rooms and the pool looked gorgeous, may I add.  Oh and the meals, they were good and we did get to eat whatever we wanted, it was like an all you can eat buffet after all. Though strangely, none of us saw any staff for some reason, Lollipop even asked Coiny to go check in the kitchens but to no avail. Whatever, the staff probably left early.

I briskly walked down the corridor to reach the stairs. I sighed as I glanced at the numerous copies of the same damn photo on the walls. I didn't think I wanted to know what was going on last night, Leafy was probably in tears right now.

On the way I noticed the door to the computer room left ajar and on closer inspection, I noticed Tennis Ball slumped on a chair in front of one of the many computers. Some of them were definitely not new and the monitors were the type you would see in a 90's office. It was kind of weird, seeing as this hotel was built recently.

Finding him here didn't come as too much of a surprise as he spent the entire day yesterday being his eccentric loner self in this very room, doing god knows what. This time, however, he looked like he was busy so I left him to his work until he called out from the desktop.
"Golf Ball?"

He slowly spun on the chair to turn and face who he thought was his small companion.
"Half these computers have malicious code and-"
Clearly startled, he quickly closed some tab as he caught a glimpse of me.
"Oh, it's just you."

I didn't want to seem disinterested so I took some confident steps into the area and sat down on the nearest office chair.
Looking more settled, Tennis Ball casually continued:
"The WiFi doesn't work well, right? GB is supposed to be looking for the router right now, we think there's something wrong with it, hence the trashy connection."

"Yeah, Saw told me no networks show up for her at all." I mused, recalling the earlier incident.

Truth be said, I didn't know what to think of this situation. Yes, in ways it was weird but perhaps we were just over analysing things. There was just really no reason to be so fixated on the negatives when there were so many positives. Although Tree definitely had the right to be cautious, no, overly cautious to the point of paranoia. After all, you can't constantly live life on the edge.

Tennis Ball briskly swivelled around again to face the awfully bright monitor and started typing away again.

"Umhm, Match also threw a pissyfit earlier, demanding I fix her phone or something, so she could keep in touch with pencil..." The analyst calmly murmured, pausing occasionally, distracted.

Something about him madly fixated on the screen, exhibiting his usual reserved though laid-back nature felt oddly alluring to me.

Almost... cute???


I shouldn't have been thinking that way, not towards him..

This shouldn't have been happening.

And why him??

Remote's POV

Last night was a blast, like, wow.
For starters, Loser, Saw, Leafy, Lollipop, Match and I all partied down in the Hall Suite till around 3am. I've honestly never experienced something just so cool before. We did grab some drinks from the Bistro along the way.
I did NOT expect Loser to actually follow through with the idea. I thought he was the hero nobody asked for, the mom friend, but nah, he was just like the rest of us.
On the way back to our rooms, I witnessed the greatest thing that happened all night and we were not prepared.

Just outside room 103, Leafy was holding someone, at first I didn't see the figure clear enough, probably due the one too many drinks I had but advancing towards them I recognised the shorter person being Loser.

They were barely even conscious when they were pressed up against each other leaning on the wall, snogging each other. Leafy was moaning oh Firey between breaths as well.

Right then and there, I completely lost it.

She is gonna regret so much in the morning.

Match and Lollipop soon joined me and proceeded to take countless videos and photos all the while hysterical. They ended up printing them out and taping them to the walls and sliding a few copies through the bottom of the bedroom doors. Just imagine the reactions!

Taking one step out of my bedroom I was greeted by a small but noticeable page on the floor, inches away from the door. At first I thought it was one of the photos, but by closer inspection I came to realise it was a note, hand written by Saw.

Heyo Remote!
I went down to the pool right now, gotta have that early morning swim! Wanna come? I'll meet u in the changing rooms. We can have breakfast after. Oh and I have something u are gonna wanna see but it's a surprise!
See ya there?

I read through the note and immediately went back to my room to gather all the stuff. I didn't want to go at first as I was still tired from last night's endeavours but I guess she did convince me in the end. I did want to see whatever she had in store for me.

After shoving everything into a bag, I rushed through the corridor and down the stairs. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that when I turned the corner at ground level, I abruptly crashed into Golf Ball.

Whatever was in her hands now lay in pieces on the marble floor along with her as she lost her grip on it and her footing.

Her initial shock turned to fury:
"WHAT THE HELL, REMOTE!?" She yelled, quickly getting up and standing to face me.

Although she was way shorter than me (or pretty much all of us) she was undeniably intimidating, so this caused me to briskly make my escape around her and continue on my short journey.


At last I reached the changing room.

I reached for the door handle and turned it, slipping inside.

"I'm here Saw." I said, stopping at one of the benches and setting my bag down.

No reply.


I walked over to the other side and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move for a split second, before disappearing behind the inner wall.


I froze.

And then I screamed.

15 alive, 1 dead.

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