i. big crowds, oh my!

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your just like a dream!

your just like a dream!

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CONNOR LEIGHTON HAS KNOWN  that he wanted to raise a child of his own since he was a kid, so it really didn't surprise anyone when he adopted a little baby girl from the orphanage at the age of 26

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CONNOR LEIGHTON HAS KNOWN  that he wanted to raise a child of his own since he was a kid, so it really didn't surprise anyone when he adopted a little baby girl from the orphanage at the age of 26. The moment he set his eyes on Lizzie, he knew she was absoloutely perfect, and what are the chances that he knew her parents, they were classmates at hogwarts. He could never guess why they would want to give up something as perfect as Lizzie, but alas, it doesn't really matter to him anymore, because if they didn't want her, he most certainly did.

He has never once regretted his decision either, yes it gets rather tough sometimes, especially since Lizzie has severe social anxiety and a lacks pretty much all around social skills, but in the sixteen - nearly seventeen years since he adopted her everything has gone rather smoothly. Sometimes he feels bad about not being able to give her a motherly figure (he's never been lucky enough to experience that kind of love that lasts forever), but whenever he would bring that up Lizzie would brush the idea aside and say, "don't be silly Uncle Connor, your the only person in life I need."

Just in case your wondering, yes, the "uncle" thing was a bit odd to Connor at first, but it was what Lizzie was comfortable with and after all that's really what's most important, and titles never really mattered to him anyways to be honest.

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