v. new friends

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you make my heart feel like it's on fire !

you make my heart feel like it's on fire !

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c h a p t e r f i v e

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LIZZE COULD HARDLY SLEEP THAT NIGHT. Her mind was too flooded with worry for the boy she barely knew, but she already felt she cared so deeply for him, was that even possible? Or was she just a silly girl who developed a crush on anyone who smiled at her. Well not just anyone, Cedric seemed to be one of the only people that did that.

The only good thing about not being able to sleep was surprisingly the aspect of being awake so early in the morning. The common room was quiet, the rest of Hufflepuff house still tucked safely under the sheets of their beds while Lizzie Leighton sat down on one of the large cushioned chairs by the fire cradling the letter from Uncle Connor in her hands and reading it for about the tenth time from last night. It's only been a day and she already missed him more than she could put into words.

Dear Liz,

Well, now you must know why we won't be spending the Christmas holidays together.
Although it does make me quite sad, I'm hoping you'll find joy and excitement along
with the events happening at school this year. Make the most of it, your time at Hogwarts
is getting shorter and shorter! Make some new friends, I'm sure Arthur's kids would be more
than willing to talk to you, and the Diggory boy seemed to enjoy your presence quite a bit
and don't yell at me, but I know you fancy him, it's obvious and I'm not stupid.

Anyways, I miss you dearly and I am counting down the days until I can see you again. I guess we'll just have to have Christmas in July this year, my present better be good!

I love you. Write me whenever,


Laughing could be heard coming down from the boys dormitory, Lizzie widened her eyes and slipped the letter back into the pocket of her robes, doing her best to avoid eye-contact with whoever else was up at this ungodly hour. Her eyes caught the clock and she noticed the first half of breakfast had just begun, she had completely lost track of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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